Tuesday 10 May 2011

the world god only knows season 2

the world god only knows season 2. The World God Only Knows
  • The World God Only Knows

  • bedifferent
    Apr 10, 10:42 PM
    I guess there's a lot of drama among the industry about Apple's refusal to release any kind of road map for FCP, not unlike their other products, and apparently a lot of people are starting to jump ship to Adobe's offerings. Everyone is pretty worried about this new overhaul because the guy who botched iMovie is the guy now in charge of FCP. I'm not into video editing, and I've never never used FCP or any product like it, but after hearing about all the drama and excitement surrounding this new overhaul I'm pretty stoked to see what happens.

    My friend, who is a documentary film maker, was hired by Apple as a designer working with FCP engineers. In the past, we had differing views on FCP; I believed Apple was dropping it as well as other pro-sumer based products while she thought they wouldn't.

    After recently speaking, and w/o breaking her NDA, she said she's disappointed. The project managers and engineers squabble a lot, and the designers (all almost film-makers and editors) aren't getting much input. According to her, Apple needs to fire the management and instate those focused on bringing the product to a new pro-sumer level. There appears to be a lot of mixed reviews, and that (as like Aperture) FCP is an attempt to bridge consumer and prosumer engines creating a big mess.

    We'll see.

    The guy who 'botched' iMovie is the same person that created Final Cut and continues to work on Final Cut. Randy Ubillos has been the head of Apple's video editing suites/applications for as long as I can remember.

    �and according to those close to FCP development, therein lies the issue...

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  • LagunaSol
    Apr 6, 04:08 PM
    Is every app in the app store of the same caliber as those few apps you named?

    Did I say that? No. (Strawman alert.) But there are a lot. Far more than you'll find for Honeycomb, despite mobilehavoc's contention to the contrary.

    I'm sure you'll be the first to dance happy around when in the future finally some 5 year old Android apps/games will get ported to iOS like it is now with Windows/MacOS.

    Ah, Android gaming. You seem to have things reversed in your head:


    the world god only knows season 2. Tags: the world god only knows
  • Tags: the world god only knows

  • WildPalms
    Jul 27, 05:50 PM
    Yay! Chips that don't suck and are fast! (I hate P4s)

    Ironic, isnt it? Core Duo's are based on Pentium 3 architecture.

    Very, very true. You usually only get half the things you expect... the real gem is when you get something you didn't expect.

    Get a golden cats eye and who cares about the rest! ;);)

    the world god only knows season 2. Mots from The World God Only
  • Mots from The World God Only

  • leekohler
    Apr 27, 03:38 PM
    Yes, I think Obama is a horrible president. That doesn't mean he was born in Kenya. Enough with the overly dramatic defense mechanisms. Just because you love the guy doesn't mean you get to live in a fairlytale world where he has no flaws, or he can't be questioned or criticized in the least. Why not focus on figuring out why the document is weird so we can all move on!?!? Do you just have fun laying down baseless attacks for no reason instead? It's a simple question - aimed at graphic artists who know what they're talking about (not you) - so why even discuss it other than to disrupt this issue, misdirect the conversation, and accuse me lying?

    The drama is just amazing from you. If this were a movie you would be cleaning up on Oscar night. I have criticized Obama many times in this forum and even started a lot of threads criticizing him. He's not my favorite either, but you have nothing but vitriol for the guy.

    Why are you focusing on why the document is weird even after it's been explained to you?

    perhaps the Design & Graphics forum would have been a better place to post a technical question about layers in PDF documents.

    Because that would not have been dramatic enough.

    the world god only knows season 2. the world god only knows
  • the world god only knows

  • heyjp
    Nov 28, 11:06 PM
    I think having Apple (which of course gets passed on to us users) paying a royalty per iPod is a no-brainer, let's do it!!! The logic is that people are playing illegal copies of Universal Studios songs, therefore, Apple should pay a royalty for every iPod to cover.

    So, Apple, pay the royalty, which should logically imply that there is no need to EVER buy music from Universal since the royalty is now covered.

    HEY UNIVERSAL... can't have your cake and eat it too.


    the world god only knows season 2. The World God Only Knows
  • The World God Only Knows

  • kcmac
    Apr 10, 10:34 AM
    Oh boo hoo about the companies being "booted" from sponsorships. The company I work for goes to trade shows. The time invested is actually quite small and most of the materials are in inventory anyway. The presentations are usually based on the same script. I bet the companies aren't that disappointed. In fact they would like to be there and see what Apple is up to more than anyone else. So I bet they'll send the same presenter staff there to view and record anything of note to send back to their company.

    Businesses deal with things by contract and those contracts have terms and conditions. No company would just break a contract so I'm sure everything wad handled quite smoothly behind the scenes. So I think this idea that Apple bullied or pushed people is silly.
    There are a few times I have made presentations at a conference when I would have loved to have let someone takeover the podium!

    the world god only knows season 2. the world god only knows
  • the world god only knows

  • Yamcha
    Apr 25, 01:59 PM
    What I don't understand is even if Apple is tracking us, why did Steve Jobs simply lie about the claims, thats whats fishy about all this..

    the world god only knows season 2. the world god only knows
  • the world god only knows

  • Nuks
    Aug 26, 06:31 PM
    Can someone briefly explain the huge benefits of Santa Rosa (in layman's terms) or post a link to a thread/description of it?

    Much thanks.

    the world god only knows season 2. the world god only knows
  • the world god only knows

  • hayesk
    Mar 23, 10:08 AM
    Sorry, completely forgot about that.

    iOS rocks in apps, but it does suck *** in terms of notifications and true multitasking.

    iOS doesn't suck in terms of true multitasking because it doesn't use "true" multitasking. iOS excels at using a form of multitasking that is appropriate for the hardware it is running on.

    the world god only knows season 2. the world god only knows
  • the world god only knows

  • ezekielrage_99
    Sep 18, 11:27 PM
    Is it happening on a tuesday, perchance? :D

    G5 PowerBooks next tuesday :confused:


    the world god only knows season 2. the world god only knows
  • the world god only knows

  • gugy
    Aug 25, 09:33 PM
    well, I think Apple support can get much better. Lots of room for improvement.
    The usual phone hold is too long and sometimes it takes over 1 hour if you need to talk to a higher up to try to solve your problem

    I had my G5 Quad on repair for 3 weeks and during this time the Apple Store and Apple Computer would not give me much clarification about the problem. Meanwhile as a professional I was left without my main computer.
    I probably talked with more than 20 people during this process. Very frustrating experience.

    The thing I would like to ask Apple is to have a loaner computer program for professionals. I rather pay an additional $100 on Applecare as long I can get a computer with the same power of the one I have during this repair period. That way professionals are not left without their machines or Apple monitors during the ordeal.:(

    the world god only knows season 2. the world god only knows
  • the world god only knows

  • Lincoln
    Aug 5, 03:29 PM
    I am really looking forward to this year's WWDC - a chance to see Leopard and see how it stacks up against Vista.

    Also hoping that the Mac Pro is finally realeased and to see who is right about the processor (Dual 2 Core Duo low end, Xeon CPU middle and Dual Xeon's high end?).

    Finally, it would be nice if the Mac Pro's get the new Core 2 Duo chips.:D

    I think that that we'll have to wait for Paris for the iMac update and new iPods.

    Lets see what we get.:rolleyes:

    Edited bad typing

    the world god only knows season 2. The World God Only Knows
  • The World God Only Knows

  • aswitcher
    Aug 6, 01:41 AM
    EVERYONE is missing something that MUST be updated A.S.A.P.!

    AirPort Base Stations!

    Express and especially the Extreme. The Extreme is YEARS old!!
    :eek: :eek:

    I would hope for MIMO at least. Perhaps a Pre-N with flash upgrade possibilities for later when the standard is finalised.

    the world god only knows season 2. The World God Only Knows
  • The World God Only Knows

  • Macaroony
    Mar 5, 02:53 AM
    I never said heterosexual people should stop having sex and produce children, I don't know where you got that from. Next time, please be more clear about who and what you're quoting and what your exact response is. Thank you.

    Logic is such a rational thing. The world population is exponentially increasing. 50 years ago, the estimated number was at 6 billion, 10 years ago, it jumped the 7-billion mark and in 2050 they are predicting the world population to reach a staggering amount of 10 billion.

    Society isn't going anywhere - no matter how many gays you have out there. Straight men will find dozens of fertile women to makes babies with - wanted and unwanted.

    I recently saw a report about homeless children in India who aren't even recognized as citizens and are having tremendous problems getting by day by day. There should be programs that integrate these children into society and I'm certain that many gays are more willing to do so then straight people.

    And next time, please give more than one-sentence answers, it is hard getting a deeper understanding of your world view and logic. After all, this is a forum and not Twitter.

    the world god only knows season 2. the world god only knows
  • the world god only knows

  • aafuss1
    Aug 5, 10:56 PM
    To me the answer to the whole IR/Mac Pro/Front Row thing is obvious - put an integrated IR receiver into the keyboard. The keyboard would come with the Mac Pro (unlike the display) and is rarely under the desk. :)

    Plus they could sell the keyboard for any Mac (including ones that don't have Front Row - they could include the app with it).

    A redesigned keyboard-should come in Mac Pro and white colors

    the world god only knows season 2. the world god only knows
  • the world god only knows

  • LightSpeed1
    Apr 11, 04:08 PM
    Wow. You'd think a FCP Users group would be able to track down a halfway decent graphic artist to make their banner graphic...Funny.

    the world god only knows season 2. the world god only knows
  • the world god only knows

  • ccrandall77
    Aug 11, 01:47 PM
    Well, to be fair, your radio ROM/software can have some effect on your reception, and different companies release different radio software at different times, and that can have some effect.

    My 8125 has a t-mobile radio ROM, but I run it on cingular. There are a few wrinkles in that, but you are generally correct.

    You are correct. With my testing, I used an unlocked Nokia 6620 (originally from Cingular) with both T-Mo and Cingular SIMs. Also did the same with a SE T610 (unlocked, but originally T-Mo). In both cases, I found Cingular's service (NOT CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!) much better.

    the world god only knows season 2. the world god only knows
  • the world god only knows

  • MrSmith
    Mar 25, 10:59 PM
    Since Launchpad is obviously considered by Apple to be the selling point of Lion, I think I'll wait until there's actually something to spend money on.

    the world god only knows season 2. the world god only knows
  • the world god only knows

  • mdriftmeyer
    Apr 25, 03:56 PM
    Except secured

    How does an encrypted db aide your sense of security when the information is about publicly listed cell towers [FCC registered], and ends up at Google which profiles your activities for trends which then allows them to resell this information through their AdSense service and more?

    How did your sense of security become violated when the Telcos have historically sold your contact information to third parties who flood your mail box with junk mail and get you on lists w/o your consent? Does it send you through the roof that your liberties are being violated?

    Do you scream at Safeway, Albertsons, Starbucks and every other business that profiles your buying habits that it pushes you to file a class action lawsuit?

    I think not.

    This and all subsequent lawsuits will be thrown out. Apple is in compliance with the FCC rules and regulations set by Congress.

    If you notice, Congress has been conspicuously absent since sending off a letter to Steven P. Jobs.

    The only people pushing this story are blogs and journalists [HuffingtonPost, WSJ, etc] because it gets them massive click through results.

    People are crying about a location service doing what it's designed to do, yet they acted as if RFID tags that WalMart wanted to deploy, a few years back, was no big deal.

    One of the obvious reasons Apple sees no reason to encrypt the db is it's one extra process to decrypt/encrypt each time a new tower cell is logged to the phone as it keeps probing for the best signal, shortest path to that signal solution, across a spread spectrum.

    But then again, I forget that 99% of all consumers are Physicists, Engineers, Mathematicians, Doctors, and we produce children with Ph.D's ala Wesley Crusher dealing with Particle Physics at the tender age of 15 so commonly that the thought of an unintelligent human has long since become a relic to the evolution of the species.

    While everyone screams about tracking they conveniently ignore the IP address that keeps them tracked using their own computer(s).

    Jul 20, 04:55 PM
    First rev prices for any such beasts are going to be "excessive"

    Mar 31, 03:56 PM
    Keep in mind that Google tightening up Android and forcing handset makers to adhere to certain guidelines is primarily a problem for the *handset makers* and carriers--but not consumers.

    not when Google blocks handset makers from releasing innovations that would be good for consumers but bad for google. they may have tried to do such strong-arming -- a geo-services company claims it was shut-out by the makers due to google not wanting makers to license optional alternatives to google services.

    Mar 22, 12:51 PM
    The IPad 2 killer - you heard it here first.

    Look at the specs, their greater or equal to the iPad 2 with the exception of battery life.

    Nope...its rim...so the hardware is going to be crap. The Samsung will be closer to the ipad 2 killer....what am I saying there will never be an ipad 2 killer.

    Aug 7, 04:46 PM
    So the cat won't be out of the bag until Spring 2007?

    I thought Leopard was slated for December?

    Maybe that means it will actually be launched at MWSF in January ...

    January is not Spring. Do not expect a release in January; Expect a full-featured preview, with an announcement of a final shipping-date.

    Nov 12, 05:46 PM
    I'll pass on the game altogether.

    What it does, Gran Turismo does to perfection....I'm just really not into what it does.

    I'm more of an arcade racing guy, so I'll stick with Burnout Paradise until it gets a worthy sequel!

    if you really look at it, NFS hot pursuit is the game your looking for.

    i like sim and arcade racing games, but if you are a hardcore sim racing nut neither forza 3 or gt5 are real racing sims. so far only computers have real racing sims. not saying that gt5 or forza 3 aren't trying to be, its just they are not considered to be a real racing sim to hardcore sim nuts.

    GT5 might be the game that makes me buy a PS3.

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