Friday 20 May 2011

Wink Smiley Animated

Wink Smiley Animated. Wink Smiley clip art
  • Wink Smiley clip art

  • antster94
    Apr 3, 01:54 PM
    Nice to see there's one in existence without a light bleed.

    Wink Smiley Animated. bring you a winking smiley
  • bring you a winking smiley

  • franswa za
    May 3, 04:55 AM
    took 5 versions of the iphone, 1 version of the ipad and a s-load of developers to get here.


    Wink Smiley Animated. Smiley Emoticon Wink Postcard
  • Smiley Emoticon Wink Postcard

  • vincenz
    Feb 22, 07:44 PM
    Here is my setup. Old but do the job
    20" iMac
    13" MacBook
    And my iPhone 3GS
    missing from the pictures are my iPad and my ipods

    I love the look of older apple tech still in use. It's a good reminder that you don't need to constantly update with every single product refresh. Helps that it's stylish too :cool:

    Wink Smiley Animated. [16]
  • [16]

  • macmax77
    Nov 29, 05:18 PM
    I know that it's not quite fair to compare the two right out of the launch (a baby product versus a mature one), but MS didn't help themselves by setting up this product to compete directly with the iPod. If they had tried to target a different market (maybe primarily video as opposed to music), they might have more success, and let the hype build from there. But the way they seem to be playing it now, they're going to just throw a lot of money into something that will be in Apple's shadow. It'll offer a compelling alternative to some, but will not necessarily convince too many to become switchers. :p

    Sometimes new things are the Hip thing to buy, but to get a Zune you need 2 things:

    1-Bad Taste
    2-Bad Taste

    Wink Smiley Animated. Lego clip art
  • Lego clip art

    Apr 3, 01:46 PM
    Apple is Apple and the king of the hill with respect to the tablet sector. Android is attempting to catch up, and therefore not on top.

    The reason this ad works so well is because it is not in your face, trying to give you a spec list of what it can do. People already know what is under the hood and what its hardware can do, the point of the ad is to entice, to get those who are on other platforms to come on over.

    This ad is about subtle confidence and that is why it is a home-run. Android, well they can keep trying with their used car salesman approach.

    This ad will never work. People want ads that make them feel like teenage boys. I know this from Android ads. Steel and lasers, Apple. Steel and lasers!

    Wink Smiley Animated. Animated+wink+smiley
  • Animated+wink+smiley

  • jgould
    Feb 20, 07:38 PM
    New display?

    Nope. Same 19" Acer that I've had for the last year or so. Only changes have been placement of stuff as well as the addition of the MBP, keyboard and trackpad...

    Wink Smiley Animated. wink Animated+wink+smiley
  • wink Animated+wink+smiley

  • richard.mac
    Apr 3, 12:26 AM
    Recent files now show in the Dock menu of closed and open apps (not sure if this is new), clicking show recents shows them as tiles like as in DP1


    Spotlight has smaller icons and Google and Wikipedia (been mentioned), but now has dictionary meanings again and the pronunciation


    Directory Utility now has an editor which is like OS X Server's Workgroup Manager. presumably as Server will be included now.

    - can press ctrl+up again to close Mission Control, doesnt work with ctrl-down for Expos� app windows though
    - the Sites folder in home is gone (Apache and Web Sharing still there though)

    overall things just seem a little quicker, animations are smoother and getting less Dock, SystemUIServer & Finder crashes. still a few crashes and UI bugs around the place.

    Wink Smiley Animated. Animated+wink+smiley
  • Animated+wink+smiley

  • adam1185
    Aug 7, 01:33 AM
    Here's the best "Hasta La Vista, Vista." picture so far from MacNN

    Wink Smiley Animated. WINK SMILEY ANIMATED - Page 5

  • weiss
    Oct 23, 07:27 PM
    I actually decided "the hell with it, i'm not going to wait any longer" and went to closest retail store to get myself a nice looking black macbook. It was sold out. Actually, I can't find it anywhere, so it's not much of a choice anymore (at least until they get more units).

    So, I'm stuck in the waiting room again. Let's all hold hands and believe, brothers! The C2D is coming! Hallelujah!

    Wink Smiley Animated. wink smiley animation,
  • wink smiley animation,

  • ZipZap
    May 3, 04:48 AM
    It seems like any time there's even a slight implication of any software being tuned to be easier to use, there's a barrage of negative comments lamenting how it's been "watered down."

    What's with all this baseless elitism?
    (Over uninstalling an app! Such a trite matter)

    I see lots of people saying they'll stick with their version, or that it's the end of whatever paradigm they had before... why? Because it's what... "harder to use?" Who is that going to impress?

    Not just for Lion, but this is exactly what happened with FCPX.

    Which direction would the evolution of software go? Harder? Of course not...

    I really wonder what the reasoning behind all this negativity is...

    I dont think this is elitism...

    Perhaps we can just say that Lion will offer a new level of refinement for a Mac OS.

    Lets hope the iOS uninstall is implemented as a real uninstall...otherwise what's the point.

    Wink Smiley Animated. wink Animated+wink+smiley
  • wink Animated+wink+smiley

  • boncellis
    Sep 6, 01:47 PM
    ...Works great on my hdtv bc i have vga input on it. so i store all my music and play dvds through it to the tv.....

    I sure hope you mistook the VGA input for the DVI input, otherwise you're crippling that gorgeous TV. Or you can get a DVI to HDMI cable to connect the Mini.

    Sounds like a cool setup, the kind of thing I want to do too. ;)

    Wink Smiley Animated. Animated smileys and emoticons
  • Animated smileys and emoticons

  • vand0576
    Sep 1, 01:09 PM
    Hmm... the problem with that line-up is that when consumers see the shiny new advert saying "Meet the new iMacs" they'll look at the clock speeds and say "What new iMacs?". I think it would be reasonable for Apple to offer...

    17" iMac - $1,199 - 2 GHz, X1650 Pro 128 MB
    20" iMac - $1,699 - 2.16 GHz, X1650 Pro 256 MB
    23" iMac - $2,199 - 2.33 GHz, X1650 Pro 256 MB

    I think EVERYONE's suggested prices are way too high, even for a chip upgrade. They'll want to do a cost comparison for these new machines the same way they did the Mac Pro. iMacs are still quite overpriced compared to similar desktops from other companies, even with monitors. Bring those prices down Apple, and you'll have a TON of "switchers" with these machines.

    Wink Smiley Animated. wink smiley animated,
  • wink smiley animated,

  • milo
    Sep 6, 11:31 AM
    I just bought a Core Duo on the 21st, needless to say I'm pissed. Anyone know apple's price match policy?

    You're probably too late. Should have waited, it was pretty obvious that most if not all of apple's machines would be updated around now, with both merom and conroe shipping.

    Whre is FireWire 800?

    On the high end machines. Apple obviously considers it a pro format, not a mainstream one.

    What? No Core2 Duo? Why? The Core2 Duo costs the same as the Core Duo, according to Intel's price list. Is there a shortage of the Core2 chips, was Apple committed to purchasing a certain number of Core Duos, or was whoever decided to go with this configuration just temporarily insane?

    Apple doesn't pay the prices on the price lists, they negociate with intel. You can bet they're getting yonahs cheaper than meroms.

    Wink Smiley Animated. click gt winking smileys
  • click gt winking smileys

  • kainjow
    Aug 16, 02:08 PM
    The only wireless I want to see in an iPod is Bluetooth for wireless syncing to your computer, and that could be done with a special dock. Other than that, it's pointless and just sucks battery power.

    Wink Smiley Animated. Winking Smiley
  • Winking Smiley

  • someone28624
    Mar 22, 04:16 PM
    Do people seriously have that many songs?!!! seriously?!!!

    220gb = 50,000 songs?!!!!! That is totally not necessary.

    Apple discontinue that dinosaur! It makes you look bad to just have it on your website.

    iPod plays videos and shows photos also.

    Wink Smiley Animated. Laughing smileys,gifswink smiley welcome to say withview winking aug also You for of a selection screenshort gold winkingsmileyfacegif Vector clip
  • Laughing smileys,gifswink smiley welcome to say withview winking aug also You for of a selection screenshort gold winkingsmileyfacegif Vector clip

  • copykris
    Nov 25, 03:00 PM
    A new case for my iPhone:


    late entry to post of the year

    Wink Smiley Animated. Animated winking man, woman
  • Animated winking man, woman

  • macfan881
    Sep 7, 09:48 AM
    guys trust me i know steve will not disapoint on this im sure we had our doubts when we had the musc store im sure come tuesday night we will think steve is god lol

    Wink Smiley Animated. yikes Animated+wink+smiley
  • yikes Animated+wink+smiley

  • LethalWolfe
    Apr 13, 02:07 AM
    PS i really think that apple is powerfully positioning themselves by selling final cut so cheap. Now you can justify paying more for a Mac box because the software is so much less than the competition. Brilliant if you ask me - make software cheap, sell more macs and cost kick your competition out of the market.
    Nothing really new here as this as been Apple's MO for at least a decade. All of the iApps (iMovie, iPhoto, etc.,) used to be totally free and when FCP cost $999 by itself an Avid would put you back $70,000 on the low end. Shake, LiveType, DVD Studio Pro, Color, etc., were all programs acquired by Apple and sold at a significantly lower price than what they were prior to Apple's acquisition.


    Wink Smiley Animated. a animated A+wink+smiley+
  • a animated A+wink+smiley+

  • lordonuthin
    Mar 30, 01:04 PM
    Your PPD has improved a lot :eek:

    Still no new Mac Pro announced...

    On another note, I updated four computer to 10.6.3 that were running a3 and all of them resumed and finished. Can't wait for a3 bigadv.

    Also rumors are all over the place for PPD on the new Nvidia GTX 480. Soem say 13k PPD, some say 29k...

    I know, bigadv sure make a difference! :D

    I think Apple won't announce a new Mac Pro until the developer's conference in June :( but hopefully that means new goodies like usb 3 and sata 3 as well as an inside redesign for 2.5 inch ssd's :) imagine 4 ssd slots as well as 4 3.5 inch drive slots!! woo hoo, just a dream though.

    I will wait until I can catch my Mac right after a new wu starts for 10.6.3, just in case...

    The GTX 480 is very tempting especially at the same price point as the GTX295. I have one open PCIe slot... but I will wait until I hear more about it. I'm also waiting for Linux gpu3, but that could be a very long time :(

    Jun 22, 12:30 PM
    iOS and Mac OS will merge. Very slowly over the years. Eventually, I see OS X dying out and becoming a comapatibility mode like Classic, as iOS (which is still OS X at heart anyway) becomes the mainstream OS. But this will take a LONG time.

    As that happens, I expect Apple desktops will evolve into flat screens that lie on the surface in front of you—maybe slanted a bit, but not vertical (though they could tilt up for passive movie viewing). This sounds great to me! I can imagine Photoshop etc. with a whole new UI, and a future iOS adapted to big screens by allowing multiple apps on-screen at once. (And keyboards will probably be standard—these are production machines used for mass content creation, and with a need for shortcuts. But mice will be optional, since only “old” Mac software will use them.)

    These machines will be like pro/prosumer versions of the iPad, used for totally different purposes. Eventually. 5 years? Will they even be called Macs? (I suspect they will be—and fair enough, if they have an OS X compatibility mode.)

    In the meantime, I don’t see conventional iMacs with touchscreens. Touch on a vertical surface is a harmless gimmick at best (ask HP). And they give you Popeye Arm Syndrome!

    That leaked desktop touchpad, though, sounds great—I hope it ships!

    Jun 22, 05:57 PM
    Ah yes. A porn free, tightly censored, code controlled desktop machine. That's what everyone wants right? :rolleyes:

    Sep 8, 03:58 PM
    Airport Express still shows available within 24 hours, so looks like Extreme is getting updated but Express is not.
    Or they have a decent inventory of Express units and just want to throw us off... :p


    Apr 7, 08:46 PM
    During the Battle of Britain the British Isles alone produced more aircraft than the Nazis. An impressive feat considering the resources available to the Germans.

    Indeed. The Brits produced far more planes they were able to produce pilots - roughly 20% of their pilots in the Battle of Britain were from other nations and came to be known as "The Few."

    Sep 6, 09:41 PM
    After following all this stuff today, I am really concerned about whateverthehell it is that will be announced next week. There seems to
    be limited interest in movie downloads, when there are already good alternatives (netflix, the local video shop, etc.) There are definitely some
    questions if that would/will even fly. I, for one, don't really care if I rent. I have a bunch of DVD movies, but rarely view them more than twice. So... even though an apple movie download service comes along, I really wonder how successful it will be. Which leads me to wonder... The Steve is not dumb. He is not going to order up a special meeting like this for something that may turn out to be nothing... Hell, it is apparently viewed by apple as much more important than the introduction of the 24" iMac, which is a heck of an interesting gadget. Do you think that there may be some REALLY BIG new technological/hardware gizmo being intro'd? Something that makes the movie store just a minor part of a larger picture. I keep thinking, Apple is a hardware company. Always has been. SHOW ME THE HARDWARE!

    Agreed! On-Demand is the future for movies. It just needs more of a selection then it's perfect.

    Downloading movies is of limited interest to most people. Just give up the Mac Media Center (iHome) and we'll all be happy campers come Tuesday!

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