Saturday 21 May 2011

Usher Super Bowl Halftime

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  • roland.g
    Sep 1, 02:33 PM
    The only thing better than G5 Powerbooks, is not having G5 Powerbooks! :D

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  • Surf and Turf
    Oct 24, 06:23 AM
    dun get excited it is just routine maintanace. The new mbk will will be released late november

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  • Takuro
    Jun 22, 12:31 PM
    The form factor of an iMac just doesn't work nicely with the general way iOS is meant to be used. As mentioned by moneyman, there seems to be a rough adaptation for it if it's used in conjunction with a touch pad, but this still doesn't seem very likely. The only platform that would benefit largely with an iOS layer would be the MacBook line, which could easily enough use a touch-screen interface directly on the existing display without worrying about tired arms. However, this brings up another issue: It would cannibalize iPad sales and blur the defining line for that "intermediate" category of devices between iPhone and Mac that Jobs just finished touting about.

    So in summation, my opinion is that it's highly unlikely.

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  • (marc)
    Mar 19, 05:12 PM
    Historical observation: The Iraqi people never asked for US help, but there we were.

    That's why the US shouldn't have invaded Iraq.

    All about the oil... "protect the citizens" is a perfect excuse. Sadly, because this is what it should be about.

    I don't think so. Gaddafi willingly traded Libya's oil, currently no oil at all is traded, and I don't think the rebels (unorganized as they are) will do a good job at it anytime soon. The nations now supporting the air strikes against Gaddafi would have been better off quietly sending him weapons to mute the rebels if they wanted oil.

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  • MattG
    Aug 7, 07:23 AM
    In addition to printing and font management, how bout adding to the list networking access. The way one accesses networks in Windows seems much more straight forward, consistent, clean and intuitive in Windows XP than it does in OS X. That's my oppinion anyway. Maybe that's just me. Anyone else agree???

    Totally agree...that's one aspect of Windows that I do like better. Local networking on my Macs seems very sluggish compared to Windows.

    Ever connect your laptop to a share on the network at work, put the laptop to sleep without disconnecting that share and then bring the computer home? Once the computer notices the share is no longer there, it basically hangs for about 30 seconds until it asks you to disconnect. Windows handles stuff like this MUCH better.

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  • rumz
    Apr 12, 10:34 PM
    That price tag doesn't seem so ridiculous.

    When was the last time final cut pro was available as a stand-alone app? Seems like last time I considered getting it, it was only available as part of the $1k suite. So $299 easily seems like a more reasonable entry fee than buying Final Cut Studio.

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  • TangoCharlie
    Jul 14, 03:04 AM
    I reckon these analyists get thier "information" by reading ThinkSecret and extrapolat even further!

    Let's just see when the Mac Pro comes out! Heck, the "analysts" can't even agree which CPU the damn thing(s) are going to have!

    (Pssst, Shhh.. don't tell anyone.... it's going to be Intel Xeon 5100 series a.k.a Woodcrest. Shhh. Don't tell anyone I said so!!)

    I used to do lots of work doing image analysis, and I wrote an application imaginitively called "Analysis". In Windows, when I had lots of versions of "Analysis" running, the names on the buttons on my task bar would get truncated. It made several people take a double-take when they saw all these buttons labeled Anal Anal Anal Anal Anal Anal Anal!!

    Why did I mention that? Oh, yes, there's a reason they're called Analysts! :D

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  • jxyama
    Mar 19, 05:20 PM
    please dont put words in my mouth, for around $1500 i would like a G5 2.0 and a ati 9600xp or better. for $1700 give me a 9800.

    sorry, no offense meant.

    i think for your needs, it would be really nice if apple could somehow establish a small, niche (but still profittable) section of product lineup for people who are knowledgeable and willing to put together their own custom macs...

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  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 29, 12:52 PM
    I'm thinking something similar. 3.5x8.5x8.5. Basically a larger MacMini with a 3.5" hard drive, dedicated graphics, and video chipset similar to the Miglia TV Max.
    I media center like this would sell like crazy... small, simple and elegant. Just imagine how many switchers you would get at the same time.

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  • jbelkin
    Nov 28, 01:32 PM
    The problem with the Amazon chart is you can guess a Thursday at 5 PM ranking is better than a Sunday at 4 AM ranking but it's hard to tell exactly if one means sales of 1,000 and one means sales of 18 - last time I checked, the Zune was 48 with a couple ipod cases selling better but of course, it's better to crowd the top 10.

    Yea, MS still thinks it's 1992. Notice how they trumped the Zune would be in 30,000 stores versus 10,000 for the ipod? Does anyoen want to point out the internet to MS? That no matter what town I live in, in 1992 I might've had 1 choice in buying consumer electronics but now I can be in Middle Nowhere, North Dakota and literally have 100,000 stores + eBay at my fingertips? And where Ms counts on - no choice but ours to buy - the default choice - iPods on the other hand are not at Walgreens or 7-11 but people still find them ... amazing what world class hardware, software and online store will do for you.

    Ms doesn't understand why when consumers have a real choice, they seldom choose MS products (webtv, talking barney's, watch OS or Melinda Gates' last MS project - the answer to OS7, MS Bob).

    Looks like Steve ballmer's stock holdings are going to need some more propping up.

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  • benjayman2
    Feb 28, 01:57 PM
    First attempt to get everything in one shot. (

    Gave up and started taking pics of parts of our new room. (

    Digital and Analog entertainment (

    Second attempt to get everything in one shot. (

    Pic from the window bay. (

    The only pic that I thought turned out decent.

    Hardware in the sig

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  • zedsdead
    Jan 13, 04:03 PM
    Apple will NOT do that, however, remember the collapsing port patent filed by Apple?

    Apple is supposed to be building an Ultra-Portable. Ethernet takes up space. I seriously doubt it will be in the Macbook Air or whatever apple decides to call it. Wifi will be enough. This laptop is not ment to be a main computer.

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  • jakeacc
    Mar 25, 03:56 PM
    And just like that, Apple has snuck itself into the living room game console biz.

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  • jfr001
    Nov 29, 05:51 PM
    D) Change the remote- no offense, but this remote needs a few more buttons, considering it may drive a media hub.

    Well, then you don't understand Apple's magic. That's precisely where
    they are good at: make complicated things simple.
    It's like a Sony TV remote control compared to others : when you use it, you find everything else too much complicated...

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  • Silentwave
    Aug 6, 09:48 PM
    This is all so yummy! I'm quite excited. I've been preparing for WWDC big time....i've got the MR Live site as my homepage, the MR contributors' updates coming to my mobile, i've been watching all the old Stevenotes just to get all psyched up!

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  • Kranchammer
    Mar 24, 01:42 PM
    Meh, yes and no. For their integrated desktops (iMac)...pws and space are certainly an issue (especially since it doesn't have an accessibly PCI E slot for heavens sake. Now for MP's on the other hand...I dont think it would be an issue: accessible PCI E slots + ample chassis space + stock PWS capable of handling an HD 5870 or Crossfired 5770's. A 6970 shouldnt be a problem.

    anyways(no snarkiness implied)...who said crossfire wasnt supported? The MacPro CAN be configured with 2x5770's.

    There may be space in the Macbook Pros for a non-mobile video card, but the impact to battery life would be way beyond what I think Apple would tolerate.

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  • Eidorian
    Aug 26, 11:00 AM
    Watch the WWDC keynote and note that the xserves now use Woodcrest which has a higher TDP than Conroe (95W compared to 65W). Also note what they say about Woodcrest having a better thermal environment that the G5's they were using before which were the same G5's (non-dual core) that the iMac used I believe. Conroe has better thermal characteristics than G5's, the Mac Pro and xserve prove that.

    iMac will get Conroe. 2.4Ghz and 2.66Ghz. Conroe is the best value for performance processor that Intel are offering, so they need to use it SOMEWHERE in their lineup.Err...I was defending that Conroe could fit in the iMac. Especially having the G5 in there. (Woodcrest's TDP is 85W by the way...)

    And look here (

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  • jazzbo
    Feb 24, 09:42 AM
    One small con for diesel is that in cold climates, at the very least you pay a slight premium for winterized diesel, and often you may need to add a de-gelling agent even with "winterized" fuel, or if a cold snap happens before the local dealers switch to winterized. I used to have a VW TDI Beetle and it just shut off one very cold morning in Maine, and had to be hauled to a garage so the fuel line could thaw out. The dealer claimed they made it very clear to me (and everyone) who bought a TDI that they needed to put in the conditioner; this was after commenting on why my engine stopped, "fuel probably gelled, we had 2 others already today." I suggested maybe they needed to emphasize the point a little better to new buyers.

    Granted there is a deal of regular maintenance that car owners should expect, but in speaking with other TDI owners, several in my area had this 'surprise' in their first winter.

    I don't know if the cleaner diesel is winterized better or not and/or what the premium for winterized fuel is these days during the colder months.

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  • milo
    Sep 7, 07:27 AM
    It's a nice idea, but WAY too pricey. I don't know what makes them think people will be willing to pay these prices when the DVD is available for just a little bit more (in some cases the same or less) and includes special features, probably better quality, and no DRM.

    If the studios insist on this kind of pricing for all download services, it will just drive people to bittorrent and netflix. It's just silly to insist that pricing be as much as DVD when you don't get as much for your money.

    The rumors also haven't addressed picture quality. I assume it will be an improvement, and it DEFINITELY won't be HD...but will it be even DVD quality? I'd say that's the bare minimum for something like this to even be considered by most consumers.

    I don't think rental is that big a deal. It would be nice (and may be added later), but it's a completely separate market from sales. I think people are going overboard saying lack of rentals would kill it.

    Mar 26, 03:13 AM
    touchArcade wrote ( "…clean digital signal while the VGA and component cables provide analog output only (and lack audio information)."

    This is not true. The component (and composite) cable provides audio. The VGA does not. It's okay that the small iDevices offer multiple video out (and audio out) options:

    - Headphone out
    - Docks (balanced analog audio out only)
    - Component cable
    - Composite cable (not compatible with Component)
    - VGA adapter
    - HDMI
    - and last but not least wireless Apple TV 2

    They all offer different options and techniques for different purposes. Digital/analog, CRT TV sets, balanced/unbalanced audio, mirroring or not. Serves for just viewing your photos and videos, for DJs, VJs, video editing, presentations etc.

    I am using them frequently. There should be an article that points out the differences. I am sure even the software devs don't know exactly everything on that topic.

    Oct 23, 06:41 AM
    Well when you really think about it, at least one of these rumours has got to be true. We have MBP Merom rumours that cover every week from August til January 2007.

    Mar 28, 08:48 PM
    They could do alot more.......That's all I'm going to say cause Im going to work...

    Please sign the petition

    P.S The point i'm trying to make is that Apple will always be a small company who thinks they affect the PC industry. The same thing happens every time, Apple makes something cool - The PC world makes the profit

    Mar 21, 02:19 PM
    But the rebels are not in contact with the rest of the world through any official channels, and media access is poor.Twitter ( is informative, but after 42 years of impotence, normal service cannot be resumed instantaneously. The prospects seem remarkably good, though, that what emerges from this will be an unusually honest democracy.

    Jan 22, 11:29 AM
    2011 CRV-EX

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