Saturday 21 May 2011

official iphone 5 pictures

official iphone 5 pictures. a some New+iphone+5+photos
  • a some New+iphone+5+photos

  • Benjy91
    Mar 31, 02:52 PM
    Please, enlighten us, how does fragmentation bite Android's ass when it is the #1 smartphone OS. Regardless what you think, Android and iOS are by far the most successful OS in the last 5 years.

    How is it biting them in the ass? Android is the fastest growing OS with a larger share than IOS. I think it's been a very succesfull strategy.

    I never said it's already got them, I said it would get them eventually, and now Google has seen this, and is now tightening control.

    And how it will 'bite them in the ass' is with the user experience, users seeing apps on the Android Marketplace, but the app doesnt support their phone, or requires features their phone doesnt support, or their phone doesnt quite have the power to run it. Could crash their phone etc.

    Their strategy ensured short-term gain, but problems later on.

    Apple wont run into problems with iOS Fragmentation for a long time yet. And they can easily avoid these issues by officially not supporting older devices and preventing them accessing apps they cant run.

    official iphone 5 pictures. The rumor that the iPhone 5
  • The rumor that the iPhone 5

  • manu chao
    Apr 27, 08:47 AM
    But if that happens, they already know everything there is to know about you anyway and have no need to check your Wi-Fi database. They've got your Address Book info, your bank site links and cookies, your email, your personal letters, etc.
    The point is that I save on my computer what I consider the computer to be safe enough for, which includes, eg, my e-mails. I simply would like to be given the choice to decide whether I want to save certain things on my computer or not. With that database, Apple did not give me the choice because it did not inform me about this database (if it had told me, I might have run a cron job to delete it, excluded it from my TM backups, encrypted my iPhone backups, etc.).

    official iphone 5 pictures. Official Verizon iPhone 4
  • Official Verizon iPhone 4

  • steve_hill4
    Jul 27, 02:13 PM
    What difference does it make if virtually no consumer software is effected by 64-bit processors, even now?
    Remember that the G5 is 64 bit. While the consumer apps may not be too directly affected at first, (speed increases, but nothing else), as more memory is required, 32 bit will hit a brick wall at 4GiB, whereas 64 bit can go along happily to 2,305,843,009,200,000,000GiB.

    Realistically, it will take some time to get to that level, but with the last G5 supporting 16GiB, 32 then 64 wouldn't be too far off. within 10 years, I'm sure 1TiB will start to become common.

    official iphone 5 pictures. Apple iPhone 5 is equipped
  • Apple iPhone 5 is equipped

  • JimEJr
    Apr 27, 10:30 AM
    Its not about being a criminal or paranoid. This data is for the sole purpose of marketers to sell us crap.

    Well, I'm tired of seeing ads everywhere I turn. You can't go to the bathroom now without seeing a ad shoved in your face and its becoming tiresome.

    Well, Fry could have added our iPads and our phones too. Its disgusting already how much advertising has infiltrated our lives. You can't even read a news story on the internet without an ad being being intrusively shoved in your face.

    Well then shut your eyes and plug your ears...or kiss your content (aka what you DO want) good bye as those ads are what is paying for you to enjoy that news story you refer to and most anything else that is free or a lower cost than it would be without ads. You can't have it both ways. Want all bloggers, media, etc. to do everything without ads AND without a charge? You try running a biz that way...see how long you'll be able to pay your bills.

    In reality, the more data advertisers have about you, the better they will be able to put forth ads that are much more relevant to you. If we're going to have ads, might as well have them be for something of genuine interest to each one of us.

    official iphone 5 pictures. Iphone 5 4 inch display 2
  • Iphone 5 4 inch display 2

  • Reach
    Sep 19, 12:05 PM
    History has shown that having a product out sooner... doesn't mean you win the market.

    The video game market is completely different, the analogy is just a stupid attempt at making people that think Apple should realease up-to-date hardware look stupid. Have fun at that, it didnt do much in convincing me that I should buy a CD when a C2D is just around the corner.

    All you people trying to make us feel like complete morons for waiting and wanting a new (AND BETTER) chip, what's wrong with you?! Did you just buy a MBP and feel the need to piss on everyone that is about to get a beter machine than you? Or is it just PMS or some other hormonal condition?

    official iphone 5 pictures. Reported iPhone 5 Case Images
  • Reported iPhone 5 Case Images

  • hynke
    Apr 27, 08:54 AM
    And what if I want to keep things how they are right now. If Apple says that they will reduce the size of the database stored in your phone, it also means that iPhone will communicate with Apple's servers more often (instead of finding reference in it's own database it will ask Apple's servers for it). That will cause more data traffic, slower location services and faster battery discharge.

    official iphone 5 pictures. Latest iPhone 5
  • Latest iPhone 5

  • Flowbee
    Mar 22, 12:56 PM
    Blackberry playbook = The IPad 2 killer - you heard it here first.

    Look at the specs, their greater or equal to the iPad 2 with the exception of battery life.

    Yes, and RIM has a history of making excellent touch screen devices.


    official iphone 5 pictures. New Apple iPhone 5 features
  • New Apple iPhone 5 features

  • WiiDSmoker
    Apr 19, 01:39 PM
    Apple better not win this case and anyone who thinks that they should are a fool.

    official iphone 5 pictures. talking about iPhone 5;
  • talking about iPhone 5;

  • borisadmin
    Jul 27, 10:52 PM
    You are incorrect. The Core 2 family of processors are 64 bit processors.... they support 64 bit integer math, they support load/store using 64 bit virtual addresses (also at least 40 bit of physical), sport 64 bit wide register file, they support the larger register set enabled by EM64T, etc.

    Could Shadowfax or Shawnce or someone else who knows describe a little more about the implications of the upgrade from Yonah to Merom? I'm trying to decide whether to get a Macbook or wait, I'm not that worried about the minor speed boost, but I am more concerned about longer term compatibility (say with mac OS or Windows). If there's going to be a point in a couple of years where the difference between Yonah and Merom is the difference between running the latest version of the OS or not, then I might wait. But if it's only speed and heat, I'll probably go for the Yonah (after WWDC) and live with not having the speed and lower heat that the upgrade brings.

    official iphone 5 pictures. Photo of Iphone 5 2011
  • Photo of Iphone 5 2011

  • 2IS
    Apr 8, 08:24 PM
    Intel forced nVidia out of the chipset business. :p Which is what led to this whole GPU downgrade for Sandy Bridge equipped Macs with IGPs.

    Well then allow me to be the broken record...

    Intel isn't forcing anything. Mac Book pro's are using Sandy Bridge AND have a separate graphics chipset. :rolleyes:

    official iphone 5 pictures. Re: Official iPhone Request
  • Re: Official iPhone Request

  • dba7dba
    Mar 22, 04:27 PM
    Samsung can say all they want about their products. There are the following glaring issues:

    1. Has anyone realize how much less Samsung's profit margins will be on the Galaxy Tab versus the iPad2? (ie. Apple retains a high profitability based on inhouse product development rather than contracting to third parties like other hardware developers)

    2. Given what I perceive to be an extremely small profit margin, I find it difficult from an investor standpoint to endorse Samsung's business model.

    3. It is next to impossible from a longterm business perspective that Samsung can price match Apple in this respect. It's an unsustainable business practice.

    You obviously don't know much about samsung. Samsung makes RAM and CPU that apple uses in iphone/ipad. Possibly LCD too. A4 was definitely made by samsung. It's pretty certain A5 is also made by samsung, despite rumors TSMC will make them for apple.

    Samsung being samsung, they can match Apple in price in tablet forever (well maybe not forever but for a long time) even without making much profit (not that they would do it). Samsung is HUGE. They have plenty of other stuff they can sell with profit.

    official iphone 5 pictures. iphone 5
  • iphone 5

  • citizenzen
    Mar 18, 09:06 PM
    I am very unhappy that Obama did not get us out of a state of War. Which pacifist do you plan on voting for this next time around?

    What pacifist ever has a realistic chance of becoming the next "commander-in-chief"?

    That's why 5P's contention is so ridiculous.

    Candidates must paint themselves as "strong" and capable of leading our military, otherwise there'd be little chance they'd be elected as president.

    official iphone 5 pictures. Re: Official iPhone Request
  • Re: Official iPhone Request

  • Shananra
    Aug 6, 11:29 AM
    Does no one else think this event will only be about leopard? If they release any hardware, it's going to be the mac pro, and even that will only get five minutes of attention. (The xserves seem logical too because of what processors they are using) No other hardware, just leopard leopard leopard.

    Also, I don't see this as being as monumental of a release as everyone is making it out to be. There are some features that I would like to see implimented, but I'm not holding my breath. This is not to say that I'm being pessimistic, though.

    I think we will see some better game support, performance and security enhancements (for all the flaunting Apple has been doing about their security, they had better give us some security worth flaunting!), and something to do with bootcamp. (I still love the name!)

    Other minor things I'm expecting are the ability to put widgets on your desktop (without using some sort of "dev mode" like you do now), having multiple dashboards that can be assigned to different hotkeys, enhancements to most of the bundled apps ala the report from friday, and of course the updated finder.

    Oh, and finder. I don't think it will have tabs at all. Instead, I think your equivelant of tabs will appear in the left column, along side the favorite folders and drives. Notice how your harddrives/volumes is separated from your favorite places, picture a second separater there and below that your active folders. And for god's sake, give me a directory tree! :rolleyes:

    Vista doesn't concern me much, and it shouldn't concern Apple. Tiger still kicks Vista's ass up one side and down the other, then up the first side again for good measure. Has anyone else here tried the vista beta? It's such a pain to use, and I've been a windows user since DOS. I see no reason why Vista should be so... unintuitive other than to try and compete with OSX. If they don't do some serious rethinking on it, Apple will continue to enjoy quite a bit of growth. ;)

    official iphone 5 pictures. The iPhone 5 will have the
  • The iPhone 5 will have the

  • mjsanders5uk
    Apr 5, 05:02 PM
    and Mac Pros!
    and entry level MacBook!
    and Mac minis!
    and ...

    Not again..

    NAB is for broadcast professionals - its doubtful there will be computer releases here.

    official iphone 5 pictures. in the next-gen iPhone 5,
  • in the next-gen iPhone 5,

  • Keebler
    Apr 6, 08:36 AM
    Let me be clear - FCS needs a robust blu-ray authoring feature. We don't live in a wireless world where you can transmit video free over the air. We still put disks in a player to watch and also preserve our video memories.

    Not having a good blu-ray authoring feature is a huge problem for Final Cut Studio. Not only does it impact professional wedding video-graphers, but ordinary people who want to put their video on a disk to send to people. I can't just put my video on netflix to have a friend watch it on his ROKU.

    I agree. For myself, I'm about to buy an HD camcorder now that my digital8 tape has stopped working. 2 issues confront me: 1. storage space for which I have an 8 TB raid set up and 2. delivery - ATV or iphone/ipod touch/ipad files and/or blu ray for archiving (being a physical copy).

    That's fine for me - but what about my clients? What are the normal joe blows out there doing for HD footage? I transfer home movies for folks so having an easier BR workflow within FCS would be nice.

    official iphone 5 pictures. iPhone 5 faces new challenges
  • iPhone 5 faces new challenges

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 3, 10:05 AM
    And I don't see the point in being sexually attracted to anyone of the opposite sex, but since society tells me it's "normal" I live with it nonetheless. It's all a matter of perception and experience. You have yours, I have mine and they're both normal to us.
    Sure, different people have different experiences. That's partly why some people feel same-sex attractions and why others feel opposite-sex attractions. Macaroony doesn't see any point in opposite-sex attractions. I don't see any point in same-sex attractions. Here are two videos that explain what I believe about why some people feel same-sex attractions. I think the speaker works for NARTH.

    Pedophilia is immoral - no matter man or woman. Please do not put both homosexuality and pedophilia into the same boat. There are plenty of grown men who abuse underage girls, it's when they happen to be gay that elevates the problem and lazily ties it to homosexuality.
    Just as no one chooses to feel same-sex attractions, no one chooses to be a pedophile. I know some pedophiles. But some pedophiles do choose to molest children. I don't want to conflate pedophilia and immoral actions that some pedophiles do because they're pedophiles.

    Many people ignore the difference between homosexuality and homosexual acts. Many Christians insist that homosexuality is immoral. But homosexuality is a property, not an action. Nor is it a sin of omission. Homosexuality the property is morally indifferent. Homosexual acts are, I think, immoral. An action can be immoral, even if someone doesn't deserve any blame for doing it.

    No, I shouldn't put homosexuality and pedophilia in the same boat. I mentioned the Catholic Church's homosexual-abuse because skunk seems to think my opinions about sexual morality are feelings, not beliefs that are either true or false. Even psychotherapists I've talked with have agreed that feelings are neither truths nor falsehoods. Feelings are neither of those, but there are truths about feelings and there are falsehoods about them. If I only feel that homosexual acts are immoral, should some government outlaw feeling that way?

    The phrase "a fact" is ambiguous. It can mean "a truth." It can also mean "a set of actual set of circumstances." There are truths about feelings, and there are feelings about truths. But my feelings aren't truths. Even if moral relativism is true, there are still objective truths about whether some society or other considers some action morally acceptable. And some relativists still hold a self-inconsistent belief when they believe that since every belief is relative to some context or other, there's no such thing as absolute truth. In one sense of the phrase "absolute truth," a truth is absolute when it's true about every context. In that sense of the phrase "absolute truth," I imply a self-contradiction myself when I say that since every truth is relative to some context or other, I imply that it's an absolute truth that there's no absolute truth.

    In another sense of the phrase "absolute truth," a truth is absolute when it's true whether anyone believes it or not. Even if I'm mistaken when I believe that homosexual sex is gravely immoral, it's still true that either they're moral or not moral.

    Too often, people who feel same-sex attractions suffer needlessly partly because they, others, or both ignore important distinctions. Unfortunately, people often ignore them when their feelings determine too much of what those people believe.

    Immoral behavior continues partly because of moral relativism. Instead of conforming our minds to reality, we try to conform reality to our minds. Moral relativists talk as though an action is moral if and only if someone believes that it's moral. Some moral relativists even insist that if you believe that homosexual acts are morally acceptable, and I believe they're immoral, then we're both right. A moral relativist might say the same about the morality or immorality of gay-bashing. But someone is right when he thinks that gay-bashing is morally right, should a court punish him for gay-bashing someone?

    official iphone 5 pictures. way into the iPhone 5 have
  • way into the iPhone 5 have

  • illegalprelude
    Aug 25, 03:15 PM
    Call it what you want but these new MacBooks are crap. Yea there is people who are enjoying theirs without a hitch but look at all the reports of problems. Not once on this forum have we had a flood of problems with a single unit. Apple dropped the ball on this one. Poorly made unit

    official iphone 5 pictures. fotos del iPhone 5?
  • fotos del iPhone 5?

  • leekohler
    Mar 7, 07:50 AM
    I won't rejoin this discussion. But since neko girl may be waiting for my reply, I'll only suggest a source (

    Stopped right after this, Bill:

    Justice Scalia further observed in his dissent that the
    Supreme Court had taken “sides in the culture war.”7
    This Cultural War divides America.
    On one side, there is a large sector of the American public
    which has long grieved over the abandonment of God’s moral
    laws. These are Americans who subscribe to the general
    unwritten rule held since our founding that God must be
    revered, not offended, and that the source of our greatness is
    this reverence, and obedience to a Christian moral code based
    on the Ten Commandments and natural law.
    For this Ten Commandments America, it is only too obvious
    that if America turns its back on God and His law, God will
    turn His back on America.
    On the other side, there is a liberal America that subscribes
    to the philosophical principle of absolute liberty. This leads to
    the establishment of an atheistic and anarchic “morality,”
    which shows increasing intolerance for what still remains of Christian civilization and the natural order in our culture and
    society. Among these precious remnants are the sacred institutions
    of marriage and the family.

    This is not a theocracy, Bill. How many times do we have to say that? I love how you guys always say we're trying to destroy the family. It's truly amazing and sad, because nothing could be further from the truth.

    And if you weren't going to rejoin the discussion, why did you?

    official iphone 5 pictures. White iPhone 4 OFFICIAL!
  • White iPhone 4 OFFICIAL!

  • Bill Gates
    Aug 6, 01:53 PM
    Domain Name: MAC-PRO.COM

    Burger King
    Apr 27, 08:56 AM
    Keeping a log of nearby locations I've been around, is by proxy, logging my location. If they keep a record of the towers my phone and iPad have linked to, and the locations of these towers are fixed and known, then Apple is in effect tracking my location in this linking.

    I think it was not a bug, nut data waiting to be sent to Apple for profit generating purposes.

    You really need to get a dumb phone............oh wait.....the NSA will still be able to log every conversation, text and yes your location..........

    Either get rid of your phone or quit being such a whiner

    Mar 31, 08:44 PM
    I like everyone bashing on the Apple "fanboys." It's comical. Somehow telling it like it is hangs a sign around your neck saying "i'm a fanboy, flame me."

    People defending Google here by saying Google is still open are simply delusional. Now, if you defend Google by saying, "hey, Google was wrong these past few years, they're going in the right direction now," I'll give you credit.

    But, somehow, Google changing its policies that were clearly not in the best interest of consumers gives people a reason to bash Apple customers.

    Google is practically admitting what Apple "fanboys" have been saying all along.

    "You can't handle the truth!"

    SactoGuy18: Good idea. I've been wondering why Google never did this originally.

    Mar 31, 06:18 PM
    Tightening controls? How about Google having final right of refusal toward any mass production Bill of Materials for any Android phone going into production? That will keep the manufacturing accountants from screwing over the developers taking a $0.76 of parts out to save on a run but generate a million man hours of bug fixing in the third party developer community.

    True - but what happend to the 'open is good', 'everyone can customize as they want', 'open is the freedom to do with it what you want'. The one big argument that was always made for Android is gone - it is no longer as open as people think. Anyway, 'open' was in this context anyway a hyped up buzzword ... I understood the 'open' argument since (with exception of the Nexus) everyone got dependent on what the provider chooses to adopt and what not. It is not good if the provider decides what to remove or add on top of the OS.

    Jul 14, 11:00 PM
    Power supplies produce a lot of heat. It makes great sense according to simply the most basic laws of thermodynamics.

    Could you please explain this basic law of thermodynamics and I mean more extensively than "heat rises."

    I always thought that the power supply was on top because of the heat generated by it. Since heat rises, it wouldn't pass over the rest of the computer on its way out. I still agree with you about the weight part though.

    Bill the TaxMan

    Well since the current G5's have a seperate chamber for the power supply, I guess that wouldn't matter. Also, isn't the air cooler at the bottom than at the already warm top? Go figure....

    Full of Win
    Apr 11, 11:40 AM
    If true, this means that Apple has raised the white flag and accepted the defeat that Android has given to them. Not caring about the power of the hardware relative to others in the marketplace is a hallmark of a niche ecosystem.

    Welcome to obscurity Apple - Population You

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