Saturday 21 May 2011

long haired chihuahua puppies for sale

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  • HecubusPro
    Sep 19, 12:54 PM
    I'm kinda glad they didn't release the macbook pro's today. All that means, if they are released next week, it will be more than just a minor update :-D Here's to hoping!

    I don't know if that's proof or a reason enough to think they'll have more than a chip drop-in, but I'm certainly hoping that it does get announced, and that you're right. :)

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  • JakeM.
    Aug 7, 06:59 PM
    Did anyone else think it was odd that many of the features seemed so poorly presented. We didn't actually get to see anything new in Spotlight. And no new features of the actual Dashboard were even discussed.

    It just doesn't seem that Leopard is as far along as Tiger was when previewed even though Leopard is suppose to ship in the spring just as Tiger did.

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  • MacRumors
    Sep 13, 06:49 AM (

    AnandTech took ( a Mac Pro, which comes with two Dual-Core Xeon (Woodcrest) processors and replaced them with samples of two Quad-Core Xeon (Clovertown) processors.

    We grabbed a pair of 2.4GHz Clovertown samples and tossed them in the system, and to our pleasure, they worked just fine. Our samples used a 1066MHz FSB, although we're expecting the final chip to use a 1333MHz FSB, but the most important part of the test is that all 8 cores were detected and functional.

    The Mac Pro appeared to run fine with the Quad-Core processors, effectively givem them a 8-Core machine. While they are unable to give performance numbers due to non-disclosure agreements, the machine was reportedly stable. It also gives hope for current Mac Pro owners that they will be able to later upgrade the processors on their machine in the future. Clovertown Quad-core processors are expected to be available in late 2006.

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  • devman
    Aug 6, 02:00 PM
    With the iSight and IR sensor rumored to be integrated into the new line of Cinema Displays, i guess apple's gonna adopt HDMI as the IO interface, making Apple one of the first corps to do so. Plus with a HDMI enabled Mac Pro and Leopard fully support it. Why? HDMI is just like ADC, plus its an industry standard port. U need only one cable to have all the communications (FW+USB+Sound+...) going, without having to clutter yr desktop with multiple cables. I see it coming!

    I think they'll go UDI instead of HDMI (and save fees). The really interesting question here though is HDCP and what means for all existing hardware including cinema displays...

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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 7, 11:11 PM
    I hate going into best buy. It is staffed by a bunch of people in their teens and tweens. That's fine except they tend to think giving a guess as an answer is acceptable when "I don't know" would be a better answer. I never trust them for advice and search for my answers elsewhere. I remember when I bought my first Directv with DVR unit. I asked about the USB port and whether or not you could connect an external drive. The kid looked at it, saw the usb port, and decided that must be what its for and said yes. I had encountered this before and knew not to trust him. Sure enough that port was for programming the unit only. I didn't care in that case as I didn't really need that feature and knew not to trust him anyway. But I have had other instances. Once I asked about an AV receiver and was mad when I got home to find the feature asked about was not existent.

    CompUSA used to have better trained employees but then they laid them off because the company thought they were paid too much. It turned into Best Buy. I sent a letter to CompUSA telling them that laying people off would not fix the problems but only make it worse and that I hoped they went out of business for their decision to turn their backs on good employees. I didn't have to weight long for my wish to come true.

    Anyway Best Buy is all there is really except for Fry's but that is not conveniently located. I can see the next electronics chain to launch easily topping Best Buy. If they hire people who actually care to learn about the product that is.

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  • gnasher729
    Aug 17, 10:34 AM
    It doesn't matter what the tests are if you are doing it for comparison. As long as it is done the same on both machines, who cares?

    That is wrong.

    Lets say I wrote some Altivec code to make some function faster on a 400 MHz G4, because on that machine it made a noticable difference. After porting to Intel, with the slowest machine (1.66 GHz Core Solo) being at least six times faster, I didn't bother. If you measure that code, you won't find too much difference in speed. It is the code that matters that matters.

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  • M-Life
    Apr 7, 11:12 PM
    Doesn't really matter, Best Buy is going the way of Blockbuster and Borders anyway. They will be gone within a few years, once all their media turns digital.

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  • shawnce
    Jul 20, 11:56 AM
    yes, its known as reverse hyper threading. AMD are working on it

    Reverse hyperthreading? Um, no. (

    (also note that the article you link even notes that it was a "hoax")

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  • moebius
    Mar 22, 08:36 PM
    Probably someone mentioned before, but "a tablet for professionals" named PLAYbook?

    I smell an identity crisis.

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  • 0815
    Apr 19, 02:45 PM
    I hope everyone has read the linked article before posting .... I strongly recommend reading it - it is very informative. And yes, while the single claims in there sound ridiculous, it is the sheer amount of them that makes the case. I don't think Apple would have filed the suit if it would have been only a view of those - but this seems to show that there was the attempt to copy way too many aspects of the iPhone and the iOS to argue that it was the 'natural evolution' of the next generation Samsung.

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  • Hellhammer
    Nov 27, 02:21 AM
    Somehow I feel this game is too short and easy. I've had it for 3 days and I'm already level 18 and all races are way too easy to win. When I look at it, there aren't that many races in the game. IMO too many of those "you need this specific car to compete" races and then there is on race. Spent 400k on a Lambo to get into one race lol.

    Maybe I waited too much but unless the Extreme Series is going to offer some more challenge, this will feel a bit lame. Sure there is online but still.

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  • notjustjay
    Sep 19, 08:38 AM
    All you people who keep whining about "But I want 64 bit!!!" need to step back and think about what possible benefit a 64-bit system will give you. Those of you who need to address more than 4 gigs of RAM are excused. The rest of you, tell me WHY you need 64-bit computing.

    When they go Merom I want the MBP's and MB's to have useful, practical features. More ports, user-removable hard drive, better battery life, better video card, stuff like that. I'm waiting just as impatiently as everyone else, but the hype needs to be toned way down.

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  • Fredrick
    Apr 25, 04:46 PM
    Hear we go again, who ever filed the law suit, get a life. Lifes not all about trying to make money out of others, enjoy the product for what it is. And not from what you can make out of it!, and if your worried about being tracked, then you must be doing something wrong!!!!

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  • radiohead14
    Apr 19, 03:46 PM
    honestly i don't understand Company Obsession.

    Its fine to love gadgets, regardless of company, but to be blindly following a multinational corporation whose only motivation is $$$ for its shareholders, its kinda retarded.


    AMEN! ...ahem.. I mean +1 :D

    side note: it's silly that I have to state that I own a bunch of Apple computers/devices when I criticize Apple.. or else I'm in danger of being called a "troll".. I think that those who call others "trolls" are either immature, or have nothing to really add to the discussion.

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  • kdarling
    Apr 6, 03:01 PM
    But he then said after how well it would work on the phone, they put the tablet project on the shelf and focused on the phone as it was more important. Which means it was a tablet and no just a touch screen device in the beginning.

    Sure, it could've been a full tablet. It just didn't have iOS, is my point.

    People misremember a lot. You know how it goes: a story always gets better as time goes by :)

    For example, in the later tablet version we are told that seeing kinetic scrolling on the demo made him want for Apple to build a touch phone:

    “I had this idea about having a glass display, a multitouch display you could type on with your fingers. I asked our folks: could we come up with a multitouch display that we could type on? And six months later, they came back with this prototype display. And I gave it to one of our really brilliant UI guys and he called me back a few weeks later and had intertial scrolling working and I thought, ‘my God, we can build a phone with this!’ So we put the tablet on the shelf… and we went to work on the iPhone.”

    Yet, years before in one of the first iPhone articles in we were told that kinetic scrolling came later on:

    "At one point, Mr. Jobs got a call from one of the iPhone engineers with an idea: Why not allow iPhone users to navigate through both song collections and contacts stored on the device by simply flicking their fingers up and down across the surface of the touch-screen? The engineer gave Mr. Jobs a demonstration of the technology, and the Apple chief executive signed off on it immediately, according to a person familiar with the process."

    I'd love one day for a definitive history to come out, so we can know the full timing, and also credit those unsung engineers who actually invented it all.

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  • cmaier
    Apr 19, 06:16 PM
    After reading some of the lawsuit, I had to post this..

    Proof that Samsung ripped off Apple's rip off of Delicious Library?

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  • yg17
    Apr 27, 08:59 AM
    Before yesterday?

    In before the election.

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  • Yamcha
    Apr 19, 02:08 PM
    Sorry about the caps but everyone should see this:


    Here are the phones they announced:

    So, is it possible for a mod to get rid of this? It's trolling and FUD at its finest.

    According to Wikipedia It was released in Feb before the iPhone was released..

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  • gugy
    Aug 11, 02:22 PM
    All carriers suck in one way or another. If you are unhappy with one you just switch to another. There is a constant migration from carrier to carrier because of this...

    The carriers dont give a crap if you leave them because there is always a group of unhappy consumers who hate the competitor and are ready to move to their service.

    This is why it takes forever to cancell a cellular account, they will try as hard as possible to not let you or talk you out of it. Its their only ammunition. My wife and I spent 2 hours on the phone with Sprint last week trying to cancel our extra phone we usually give our nanny. They were giving the most rediculous excuses as to why we shoud keep it when we no longer had any use for it. They wouldnt take no for an answer. It wasnt until we threatend to cancel all three of our accounts that they "graciously" cancelled the account.

    This is also why there are such high cancelation fees. apparently people are willing to pay hundreds of dollars to get away from any of the providers...

    Bottom line; it doesnt matter what provider it would be, youll be screwed anyway.

    It's true. I had Cingular and I hated it. Now I have Verizon, it's sucks but better than Cingular for my circumstances.
    Hopefully, Apple will have a solution that will help us say goodbye to all those lame carriers.

    Jul 14, 02:40 PM
    I doubt they'll do it too. For some reason this idea has come up over and over again during the last few weeks, and I'll continue to say what I've been saying - I don't see why apple would do that. It's a very appealing idea for a lot of MR folks because a lot of us are knowledgable users but not really professionals. But beyond that group, which is prevalent at MR but fairly rare in the real world, I don't see the appeal.

    Also, think about what apple would be doing with such a machine - selling you a low cost, low margin mac that you could nonetheless upgrade with 3rd party components for years. Meaning that apple doesn't make a lot off you up front and doesn't get you coming back again for 5-ish years. Great for you, not so great for them. Whereas if they sell you a mac pro, they make a killing up front, so it's ok if you keep it for years, and if they sell you anything else you'll be back a lot sooner.

    Dont ruin it!!! :p

    Apr 27, 09:21 AM
    Sleep walking a lot lately?

    Nope. However, here are just a few threads detailing the behavior. I have to believe that this location issue is part of this problem... I guess we'll see when the "fix" is in....

    Aug 6, 02:00 PM
    Was just trying to price out an IMac on the Apple store and the option of upgrade the keyboard/mouse to a wireless version was gone??

    Something new in the offing to be announced tomorrow perhaps??

    Aug 25, 04:17 PM
    No it didn't.
    I have had no luck today getting two batteries replaced. I enter their serial numbers and it tells me they are not valid serials, even though they fall within the range. When I call the support number and hit 5, i just get a busy tone and it hangs up on me.

    Bill McEnaney
    Apr 27, 12:54 PM
    Where's the extremism?
    Would you call someone a moderate when he would leave a baby alone in a room to die after the baby had survived an abortion? Most people here already know that I'm against the stimulus and against "gay" rights. As for the stimulus packages, Ford just reported a profit, and that company refused the stimulus money. If a company is going to fail let it do that. Let it take responsibility for its own blunders. Don't let a codependent government rescue it. If John Huntsman, Sr. ran for President, I'd vote instantly for him, partly because he's one of the most honest men I know of. My first question about a potential presidential candidate is, How morally virtuous is he? For me to vote for a candidate, he needs to be conservative fiscally and socially, especially socially.

    I think that social conservatism implies, or should imply, fiscal conservatism. I say that partly because I believe Obama's statist policies would have the U.S. Government take moral responsibilities that individuals should take instead. I advocate the principle of subsidiarity that tells me that a problem should be solved by the people who are closest to it. If I need help, I first go to my family. If my family can't help me, I go to me friends. If my friends can't help me, I ask my neighbors for help, etc. Government should be a last resort.

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