Friday 20 May 2011

black ops zombies maps ps3

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  • gnasher729
    Apr 19, 03:36 PM
    Does anyone think that a normal person would actually confuse a Samsung Galaxy (especially with that huge "Samsung" on it) with an Apple iPhone when they're buying it?

    I mean, is Apple going to claim that they're losing sales because the Galaxy is so close to the iPhone that people can't tell the difference? If so, that sure doesn't say much for the iPhone. Or it says a lot for the Galaxy.

    You made up your mind and you argue accordingly. Consider this: Many people know the name "iPhone" and the way it looks, they may even know the name "Macintosh", but not the name "Apple". They might have talked to someone who used an iPhone and was very happy with it, were convinced to buy one, and go to a shop and pick up the phone that looks exactly like the one they wanted to buy. And end up with a Samsung phone when they actually wanted an iPhone.

    Your second argument doesn't really make much sense. Samsung knew what the iPhone looks like, so if the Galaxy looks the same, it is because Samsung decided that it should look that way. Confusion surely goes both ways, so there would be a danger for Samsung that someone wanting to buy a Galaxy ends up buying an iPhone. Samsung had to know and accept this. So obviously Samsung is of the opinion that if people who want an iPhone buy a Galaxy by mistake, and people who want a Galaxy buy an iPhone by mistake, then Samsung will overall benefit. Doesn't seem to say much for the Galaxy, if they try to create this confusion.

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  • �algiris
    Mar 31, 02:32 PM
    Good. I hope they take one of the last strengths of the iPad ecosystem away from it.

    One of the last? Oh boy ...

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  • lack ops zombies maps ps3.

  • Erasmus
    Aug 26, 06:45 PM
    I vote Apple release a modified version of the Core 2 Duo Macbook Pro.

    The only difference would be the words "Powerbook G5" under its screen, a change of the label on the box to "Dual 2.33 G5" and software that changes the actual name of the processor in System Processor to "IBM PowerPC G5 Dual 2.33".

    This would make the IBM fanboys very happy, as they would think they had a G5 Powerbook, and therefore the wishes for "G5 Powerbooks next Tuesday" would hopefully stop.

    Apple could sell them for five times the cost of a regular Macbook Pro, and get a healthy 20 grand profit off each sale for almost no effort on their part.

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  • zombie map called Call Of

  • mcrain
    Mar 23, 01:48 PM
    Again, Fivepoint, you forget that the President was selling the Iraq war with suspicious and weak information that the many questioned. It turns out they were right. Pre-war, the big issue was whether the war was justified based on the evidence being pushed by the President. The criticism President Bush faced thereafter had a lot to do with the fact that he lied to the American people in order to start a poorly planned war. They bungled every aspect of a war they lied to get us into. There were plenty of reasons to be critical.

    Even so, in the FIRST DAYS of the war, even the lefties supported the troops and the American military, they merely questioned whether we should be going to war.

    This Libya conflict is similar in that there are people on the left today questioning whether we should be "going to war" with this no-fly zone, but there are also people who support the reason behind it, but also question why we haven't gone into other countries where there are similar humanitarian issues.

    Out of curiousity, what do you expect? I expect conservative congressmen and women to support a conservative president, but to think for themselves, and do what they independently think is right. I don't respect blind support like what they did under GWB. Similarly, I expect liberal congressmen and women to support a liberal president, but to also think for themselves, and do what they independently think is right. Some are speaking out, and some are not blindly supporting President Obama. Can you acknowledge that the liberals are doing a better job with consistency than the GOP? If not, how do you explain GOP opposition to the Libya action?

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  • Call of Duty Black Ops Map

  • john123
    Sep 19, 09:33 AM
    Addressing larger RAM partitions is not the #1 advantage for me. I will not be putting >4GB of memory into my laptop. And I suspect it is not the #1 advantage for most of the people posting in this thread. If you don't like the subject matter of this thread, then don't read it. Simple as that.

    You're so wrong. Most people posting in this thread don't have a clue what 64 bit computing really means. They just think they have to have it because it's the newest thing.

    black ops zombies maps ps3. lack ops zombies maps ps3.
  • lack ops zombies maps ps3.

  • HecubusPro
    Aug 26, 05:57 PM
    NOT true, I think. Macbooks already have new features like a magnetic latch and easy upgradeability. We will see this at the very least in the next MBP update, as Apple has never let consumer features be absent from pro machines for long

    I certainly hope this is true. Of course, if the MBP doesn't have some of the cool features in the MB (upgradable HDD, etc.) it's not going to deter me from getting the merom MPB when it starts shipping. Still, it wouldn't hurt.

    black ops zombies maps ps3. Black Ops Zombie Map is Set in
  • Black Ops Zombie Map is Set in

  • janstett
    Sep 13, 01:11 PM
    Sheesh...just when I'm already high up enough on Apple for innovating, they throw even more leaps and bounds in there to put themselves even further ahead. I can't wait 'til my broke @$$ can finally get the money to buy a Mac and chuck all my Windows machines out the door.

    I'm sure we'll see similar efforts from other PC manufacturers eventually, but let's see the software use those extra cores in Windows land. Ain't gonna happen...not on the level of what Apple's doing at least.

    First, this is INTEL innovating, not Apple.

    Second, Apple has been the one lagging behind on multiprocessor support. Pre OSX it was a joke of a hack to support multi CPUs in Mac OS and you had to have apps written to take advantage of it with special libraries.

    On Windows, the scheduler automatically handles task scheduling no matter how many processors you have, 1 or 8. Your app doesn't have to "know" it's on a single or multiple processor system or do anything special to take advantage of multiple processors, other than threading -- which you can do on a single processor system anyway. Most applications are lazy and unimaginative, and do everything in a single thread (worse, the same thread that is processing event messages from the GUI, which is why apps lock up -- when they end up in a bad state they stop processing events from the OS and won't paint, resize, etc.). But when you take advantage of multithreading, there are some sand traps but it's a cool way to code and that's how you take advantage of multiple cores without having to know what kind of system you are on. I would assume OSX, being based on BSD, is similar, but I don't know the architecture to the degree I know Windows.

    In Windows, you can set process "affinity", locking it down to a fixed processor core, through Task Manager. Don't know if you can do that in OSX...

    black ops zombies maps ps3. lack ops zombies maps ps3.
  • lack ops zombies maps ps3.

  • kevinthai
    Apr 6, 06:23 PM
    I just got my low end 13" MacBook Air with 4GB of RAM today too. Should I keep it?

    black ops zombies maps ps3. lack ops zombies maps ps3.
  • lack ops zombies maps ps3.

  • Megadooomer
    Mar 22, 01:18 PM
    Except the biggest spec is missing from it: compatible with the Apple App Store. Sorry, specs are not the end all and be all of device popularity. What good are specs if few developers write the device?

    Absolutely. Have you read the developers comments on the SDK? I downloaded it to try and compile a simple game, which I had already written in Flash/AiR. It runs AiR/Flash, so simple right? NO! You have to jump through a million hoops, (Flash>Flex (which just got switched toFlash-Builder with the new CS5 Workflow, SDK compiler, install VMWare, re-install simulator...)

    My first game in iOS was prototyped in an evening, 3-5 hours max. I spent 3 WEEKS trying to get things straight in the Playbook SDK and the thing still won't run right.

    This is rediculous. Apple provided a sleek, fun SDK to use. Blackberry relied on Adobe, a 3rd party notoriously terrible at providing a simple, consistent user experience. Flash still barely runs on most platforms.The processes are esoteric and convoluted. Android still has far fewer good, independently developed games, and it already runs on millions of devices for developers to cater to. The Playbook will fall flat entering the market at this point and in this way. It will run almost nothing except perhaps for enterprise/data-base Flex applications, which the IPad can already run fine, in addition to running a million other Apps, including Ereading/News updates. Developers will forget about it, consumers will lose interest, and it will be forgotten before the bugs are even ironed out. RIP Playbook, nice gimmick with the free game.

    PS what is with this old "walled garden" argument? Can you connect a camera, or a midi keyboard or a guitar to your Android tablet? Can it play a version of Doom written by Carmack? Can it consistently read and annotate any PDF? The "walled garden" thing is a myth. You can jailbreak and load anything, the only difference is you *may* void the warranty, which is only a problem because AppleCare is generally so awesome compared to other companies that people are afraid of endangering it.

    black ops zombies maps ps3. lack ops zombies maps ps3.
  • lack ops zombies maps ps3.

  • milo
    Aug 17, 04:29 PM
    Some people do things called graphic design and video editing for a living. Sometimes, when you want to make money and put food on the table, you want top of the line equipment.:rolleyes:

    I guess you missed that he was responding to someone talking about gaming? Less eye rolling, more paying attention.

    To make more money faster.Yes. I agree totally. If you are making your living with your Mac doing graphics and video work, every minute saved is another minute you can take on another client or meet a perviously impossible deadline. So in that case the extra $850 is made up in a matter of a few weeks or months at worst. Totally understandable when time is money for the Mac professional. :)


    black ops zombies maps ps3. lack ops zombies maps ps3.
  • lack ops zombies maps ps3.

  • mattpol
    Nov 28, 10:04 PM
    Where are the recording studios in this future? Nowhere. Artists might still need them for promotions, music videos etc... but that is all bells and whistles. You don't even need the studios for a good music video, just look at how famous this ( video has become, its even on MTV. It all comes down to the music, and if its good, people will buy it. Artists provide the content, iTMS the distribution. Record labels' presence will be greatly diminished. They are scared to death.

    Great argument, except that OK Go are signed to a major label, Capitol Records, only one of the most histroically great labels!! Please see: The Beach Boys, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Nat King Cole, etc.)! :rolleyes: YouTube doesn't sell music; just look at OK Go's numbers, they are mediocre at best. One hugely popular viral video is not going to move that many CDs.

    Also, as an aside, they are not "recording studios," they are "recording labels," or more commonly, "record labels."

    black ops zombies maps ps3. lack ops zombies maps ps3.
  • lack ops zombies maps ps3.

  • bigmc6000
    Jul 14, 03:17 PM
    Some of this makes sense, some of it not.

    I think AppleInsider is right about the case. With the exception of the MacBook, whose design has been rumoured for years and clearly was something Apple would have done even had this been the "iBook G5", Apple has made it a point with all of their Intelizations to use the same case as the predecessor, as if to say "It's business as usual, all we've changed is the processor." So from that point of view, the PowerMac G5 case being, more or less, the Mac Pro case, makes a lot of sense.

    Two optical drives? No, sorry, not seeing the reasoning. The reasons given so far don't add up:

    - copying DVDs - you can't legally copy 99% of DVDs anyway, if there was no need for twin CD drives, why would there suddenly be for DVDs?
    - burning two at once - few people need this, and it's a great sales opportunity for a Firewire external burner anyway. Hell, why stop at TWO?
    - Blu-ray - not unless they're really screwed up BR and drives with BR will be incompatible with existing media or something.

    As per ownership rights listed by the US copyright office you're allowed to make backup copies of all personally owned material. Now DVD makers would like to make that impossible as it supports the subsequent illegal activity however, strictly legal speaking there is absolutely nothing illegal about making a copy of your DVD's (selling/distributing is where you cross the legal/illegal line)

    black ops zombies maps ps3. lack ops zombies maps ps3.
  • lack ops zombies maps ps3.

  • ryanx27
    Aug 27, 11:01 AM
    The current Yonah MacBook is more powerful than any G5 - even dual core G5's. So why would you even make a fake joke about a weak mobile G5 coming? It's a joke that was only briefly funny two years ago. :rolleyes:

    It isn't the G5 part that's funny about it. The whole point of the joke is to make fun of the Rumor Article --> Wild Speculation --> Guessing the Specific Release Date cycle.

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  • COD Black Ops Sniper

  • H. Flower
    Apr 12, 11:40 AM
    The insufficient content shouldn't pop up at random, or there is a bug. It pops up when there is insufficient content for a transition. Some transitions like crossfade are centered at the end/starting point of a clip. So it expands past/before this point, hence the need of additional content in the file.

    I didn't know about that multicore issue with Compressor when launched directly from the timeline. I suspect an issue with your setup. Compressor does make good use of my 4 cores on mpeg2 and I never set up Qmaster.

    I get "insufficient content" when my source isn't as long as my in and outs on the timeline, which can occur fairly often. I've used 5 other edit programs in my lifetime, and each one would lay the source on the timeline starting from the in point regardless. Thus, for all intents and purposes, the message is an error.

    "Cannot split a dissolve" - again, not a problem in other suites. Yes, I know there is a dissolve there. Yes, I want the program to split it. I'm the editor :)

    black ops zombies maps ps3. lack ops zombies maps ps3. or
  • lack ops zombies maps ps3. or

  • Multimedia
    Sep 13, 11:44 AM
    Yes, that's true.

    It's also true that most of the time, most people aren't even maxing out ONE core never mind eight.

    And when they do, their program won't get any faster unless it's multithreaded and able to run on multiple cores at once.And it's also true that those people are not here. Get a clue who we are - Core Hogs!

    black ops zombies maps ps3. lack ops zombies maps ps3.
  • lack ops zombies maps ps3.

  • bigbossbmb
    Aug 19, 08:19 PM
    That's why I'm waiting until December 10 to mail in my Crossgrade form and DVD. I wanted to get all the updates until the offer expires December 20 on the install DVDs I get with my Crossgrade. Thanks for pointing out that detail. :)

    I really doubt that they are going to put the new updates onto the crossgrade discs. I just got mine and it didn't include the 5.1.1 update...maybe a 5.2 update would be different. But I don't think it is really a reason to wait.

    black ops zombies maps ps3. lack ops zombies maps ps3.
  • lack ops zombies maps ps3.

  • Mattsasa
    Apr 6, 03:07 PM
    Not bad for a $800 dollar device, available for one carrier. I wonder what the numbers will look like after the late march wifi-only.

    At least 100k people know what its like to have a really FUNCTIONAL Tablet.

    please tell me! what defines a functional tablet

    black ops zombies maps ps3. lack ops zombies maps ps3.
  • lack ops zombies maps ps3.

  • MacRumors
    Apr 6, 10:03 AM (

    black ops zombies maps ps3. lack ops zombies maps ps3.
  • lack ops zombies maps ps3.

  • EricNau
    Aug 17, 09:49 AM
    I have to say, I actually expected the woodcrest results to be better. It really shows that the G5 was years ahead of the competition. :cool:

    Apr 12, 07:25 AM
    I'm on a 2006 Mac Pro 2.66GHz.
    I never set up QMaster. It's installed, but I never touched it. Mpeg2 (highest quality double pass) saturates all cores.

    EDIT: sending to compressor from the timeline doesn't change. FCP and compressor together use 350% CPU (400% max).

    Very interesting, could you check your batch monitor to see if it uses every core to compress?.
    I think maybe we are talking past each other and it�s my mistake. For Compressor to use all of the machines CORES you have to do what I described. This speeds up the rendering times as every core work at 80-90%, each core rendering a chunk (1/8) of the file.

    Apr 27, 08:41 PM
    yg17, I hate to say this but Obama HAD to do this to avoid the entire "birther" issue from turning into a major distraction that ends up wasting everybody's time during the election cycle next year. Heck, it's already wasted everybody's time for the last three years anyway. :rolleyes:

    Sep 19, 09:53 AM
    Originally Posted by DocAlge
    I am new to this (and still waiting to buy my first Mac). BUT why all this talk about speed and not about screen size.

    I will buy a new Mac as soon as the new models arrive, but I could probably do with a MacBook - but I just think 13" is to small (my eyes are getting old). Does anyone think a 15" MacBook will be out anytime soon - or do I just have to pay the extra price for the MacBook Pro

    I would go with a 13". I was really surprised how big it was when I saw it the first time.

    Feb 28, 06:04 PM
    A same-sex attracted person is living a "gay lifestyle" when he or she dates people of the same sex, "marries" people of the same sex, has same-sex sex, or does any combination of these things.No, it's called "living a human lifestyle".

    I think that if same-sex attracted people are going to live together, they need to do that as though they were siblings, not as sex partners. In my opinion, they should have purely platonic, nonsexual relationships with one another.Why should your hang-ups be of any relevance to anybody else? Perhaps you need to deal with your own perceptions instead of relying on some dusty tome to tell you what to think. You know that Plato was a repressed homosexual, don't you? He spent hours at the gymnasium ogling naked young men, and perhaps like S/Paul, spent a lot of effort telling other people how to love to expiate his guilty feelings.

    Heterosexual couples need to reserve sex for opposite-sex monogamous marriage.You are extraordinarily keen to prescribe what other people should do. What's it got to do with you?

    If I had a girlfriend, I might kiss her. But I wouldn't do that to deliberately arouse either of us. If either of us felt tempted to have sex with each other, the kissing would stop right away.You sound like a real catch, but hey, what you choose to do is up to you.

    Sacramentally same-sex "marriage" isn't marriage. Neither is merely civil marriage of any sort. If I understand what the Catholic Church's teachings about marriage merely civil, it teaches non-sacramental marriage, whether same-sex or opposite-sex, is legal fornication.So, you assert that a married non-Christian couple can do nothing but fornicate? What an appallingly demeaning attitude! Do you regard any couple you meet as probable fornicators by default? Do you question them about whether they use birth control, or whether they were married, and if so whether it was in a Catholic church with the proper sacraments? You clearly swallow Catholic dogma hook, line and sinker, so choosing righteous friends must be a real PITA.

    Sep 19, 09:44 AM
    I find your tone very condescending and doesn't encourage open and accepting dialogue between ppl here. I don't understand why you would participate then... If you need to be the oldest forum member (you win) or 100% right (you can win that too).... but I want to engage with ppl here in a friendly and warm atmosphere.
    Agreed, he suddenly jump into the thread and started bashing everyone for making time pass until the machine we wait for arrives, quite unnecessary.
    And to imply that chances for a RevB being more refined than a RevA is not higher is just plain stupid. Take evolution, things improve, bad stuff gets pulled out! ;)
    Well, there are friendly people here, just some dicks needing to vent or something we could do without..

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