Friday 20 May 2011

barcode logo

barcode logo. Google#39;s new logo is a arcode
  • Google#39;s new logo is a arcode

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Nov 30, 07:15 AM
    I havent gotten to them yet, but i've heard they are just as awesome as GT3's endurance races.

    barcode logo. of arcode and data
  • of arcode and data

  • snouter
    Apr 6, 11:09 AM
    Umm... You do realise clock speed is not everything don't you?
    I hope you don't think a C2D is better then a SB Core i5


    Clock for clock the Arrandales are faster than C2D and Sandy Bridge is clock for clock faster than the Arrandales.

    So a 1.4 Sandy Bridge will be quite a bit faster than than a 1.4 C2D within the same power envelope.

    barcode logo. truthaids-arcode-logo
  • truthaids-arcode-logo

  • Denarius
    Mar 22, 07:15 PM
    I'm willing to accept the current level of US involvment, provided it is short-term and really is part of a broader coalition with UN backing. Whether it turns out to be justified depends on subsequent events.

    Poor old Obama has been dragged into this kicking and screaming by Sarkozy, Cameron, the Arab League request for a no-fly zone and the request by the Libyan revolutionaries themselves. He's been stressing all the way that he wants another nation to take the lead and now nobody can decide who. The Italian's want NAC to be in control, whereas the French don't. The Arab League doesn't want NATO running it so the French are proposing that we do it by committee. :confused:

    I think they need to offer a deal to Gadaffi of some sort. He needs to go, but if there are charges against him in the international courts then it'll be a fight to the death. Offer him an amnesty if he agrees to go into exile quickly.

    barcode logo. Google#39;s new arcode logo.
  • Google#39;s new arcode logo.

  • gnasher729
    Apr 25, 03:08 PM
    it looks like a different world from today,
    but really it's less than 70 years ago that we had the NAZI regime here in germany. it's less than 25 years ago that we had an repressive surveillance society in east germany. if there is no apparent good in tracking personal data, one should object to it.

    you shouldn't have to reason against collecting and storing personal data if it isnt a real necessity.
    there's enough data stored about you, me and anyone in todays digitalized world as is.

    1. The phone company knows roughly where you are whenever you use a mobile phone. They have to, it is technically unavoidable, because your phone has to contact a cell tower to work, and they have to know which cell tower. And if you call me, they also have to know what cell tower I am connected to because they need to send your voice from your cell tower to my cell tower.

    2. Everyone who is close to your WiFi router knows where it is, because it continuously transmits its MAC number to the world (within 100 meters if you are lucky). Again, it is technically unavoidable, so that your device knows who to talk to, and not to your neighbours WiFi router which transmits a different MAC number.

    3. Your computer sends an IP address every time you go to any website. And again, it has to, because otherwise no server that you talk to would know where to send a reply.

    So whatever you do, you are identifiable. MacRumors has your IP address. I suppose that they will never use it, except if you post something that would get the police interested, in which case I assume they will find out who you are.

    What's annoying is that I think about six months ago Apple had to give an official answer about what data they collect and keep and why and so on, and that was all on show here on MacRumors as well. And now someone finds this file, and all the conspiracy theories come out, and the most obvious argument against all these conspiracy theories is that if Apple was up to something evil, you wouldn't know about it.

    barcode logo. This macro creates a arcode
  • This macro creates a arcode

  • lsvtecjohn3
    Apr 19, 02:40 PM
    wow @ post 2.

    apple will have a hard time fighting this in court.

    watch this video then

    barcode logo. Store Barcode and Logo
  • Store Barcode and Logo

  • Multimedia
    Jul 23, 08:28 PM
    So you don't expect the Mac Pro at WWDC?? Or only a dual core version using Conroe?

    I agree single Woodcrest doesn't make sense. So we have two options for Quad core - Dual Woodcrest and single Kentsfield. Of course 2xWodcrest is going to be more expensive but I wonder by how much more. I am guessing $400. But, if you do that, you have the same motherboard across the Mac Pro (and possibly shared with XServe as well) and for that $400 you also get FB-DIMM and higher RAM ceiling. Also, the same platform can be used with Clovertown to scale to 8 core workstation early Q1'07. If Kentsfield is used then 4 core is the end of the line.Not really. Yorkfield is the 8 core follow on to Kentsfield in the Conroe class motherboard. Should be shipping by next Spring.So I don't expect Mac Pro to exclusively use Conroe/Kentsfield. Either two different boards - Conroe/Kentsfield on the low end and Woodcrest/Clovertown on the high end. Or Woodcrest/Clovertown across the board. Given the reasons above, I expect it will be the latter.Given the above reasons, I expect it will be the former. The whole line will be Conroe based EXCEPT for the ONE top model which will be based on a Woodcrest MoBo etc so each time the top doubles it's core count from 4 to 8 then 16, the lower models double theirs from 2 to 4 then 8, all in less than a year from now.Conroe deserves to be in the Apple lineup. I expect it will be in the upgraded (perhaps a larger i.e. 23") iMac. Apple may also release another desktop to fill the gap between the Mini and the Pro. That option has been discussed here as well.I think it's safe to say we may witness the fastest acceleration in affordable computing power in the history of personal computing during this next year.

    barcode logo. ar code logo.
  • ar code logo.

  • skunk
    Mar 4, 04:43 PM
    Are they affiliated with WBC?

    barcode logo. ar code logo. wasp arcode
  • ar code logo. wasp arcode

  • Willis
    Jul 27, 02:19 PM
    They didn't. Where is this Mhz myth you are talking about? They are downplaying the use of Mhz was the point I was making.

    Anyone wanting to know about the Mhz myth shall find it there.

    These new chips are to prove that the Mhz myth doesnt exist. Just by changing their arch. they can provide more performance with the same mhz, instead of increasing it (such as the Pentiums)

    Imagine. If the Intel's were'nt annouced in January... we'd only have them for a month or two now instead of 7. Crazy.

    Just goes to show the MBP's truely are designed for Merom

    barcode logo. Google Barcode logo October
  • Google Barcode logo October

  • iGary
    Aug 11, 11:19 AM
    I've been looking at the Treo, but they're not easy to come by for Vodafone contract, if at all.

    And they suck - I had a 600, which fell into the water and was replaced by insurance with a 650, which is only marginally better.

    I don't believe the rumor - Steve wouldn't blab, he just wouldn't.

    We only have a month to wait, though. :)

    barcode logo. with arcode, logo,
  • with arcode, logo,

  • nagromme
    Jul 14, 03:11 PM
    Except Conroes don't support dual processor configuration. Woodcrest does, hence the reason it will be in the Pro line machines while Conroe is put into new iMacs.
    Right, but I didn't say dual processors, I said dual cores.

    I see no reason why ALL Pro machines need quad cores, when today's dual core G5s are FAR slower than that and still blaze through a lot of useful work! An all-quad pro lineup would be "cool" (and I seek a quad anyway, personally) but would simply add cost without justification, for many people.

    In addition, if the new chips are supply-constrained at all having both Conroe and Woodcrest in the pro towers could help. (And the iMac does fine with Yonah for a while if need be--which seems likely to happen to me.)

    barcode logo. Since Google logo celebrated
  • Since Google logo celebrated

  • econgeek
    Apr 12, 08:40 PM
    Migrated to the new thread.

    barcode logo. Barcode Specialists Ltd: Zebra
  • Barcode Specialists Ltd: Zebra

  • goodwilldrums
    Apr 7, 11:34 PM
    This is interesting. I was at Best Buy today and overheard the overstaffed workers talking with each other about how they couldn't sell iPads anymore...

    They were just as puzzled as I was

    barcode logo. Ferrari Marlboro Barcode Claim
  • Ferrari Marlboro Barcode Claim

  • (marc)
    Apr 27, 03:39 PM
    The right wing has once again demonstrated to what extent it's pathetic. Obama once again acts like the only grown up amongst a crowd of children. Nothing new.

    barcode logo. These 15 forms of arcode art
  • These 15 forms of arcode art

  • NickPill
    Aug 7, 10:55 PM
    Hi, this is just a question to the developers. Did you already get 10.5? I have the ADC Select membership but can�t find 10.5 in the download section. Please send me an email where I can find it. Thank you!

    barcode logo. Barcode with Logo (QR Code)
  • Barcode with Logo (QR Code)

  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 27, 09:09 AM
    And I doubt there will be anything other than IG in the mini. But otherwise we agree. In fact in the mobiles we agree exactly 100% the same with what I think they will be. :eek:

    The MR X1400 is more of a wish than a prediction. It would help close the gap between Mac Mini and Mac Pro.

    barcode logo. ar code logo.
  • ar code logo.

  • Evangelion
    Apr 8, 05:01 AM
    another low for apple, i ordered Mar 19th still waiting ...

    fiasco just continues, does not look nice apple.

    How exactly is this Apple's fault? BB played shenanigans, Apple called them out on it.

    And yes, you have to wait for your order to go through. I bet that's just terrible for all those entitled people out there who feel that world revolves around them, and when they want something, they have to have it NOW. Fact is that there are simply so many people buying iPads that Apple has problem satisfying demand.

    barcode logo. Google Barcode Logo: Contest
  • Google Barcode Logo: Contest

  • parapup
    Apr 11, 12:03 PM
    < >

    barcode logo. ar code logo. slipknot arcode
  • ar code logo. slipknot arcode

  • starflyer
    Apr 6, 01:41 PM
    Oh yeah, well just wait until people find out iOS is a closed system and the Xoom uses Android which is open....

    oh nevermind :D

    barcode logo. Yung Joc Barcode Logo T-Shirt
  • Yung Joc Barcode Logo T-Shirt

  • dukeblue91
    Apr 6, 01:30 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Motorola doesn't "get" tablets yet, but the G1 didn't sell well either. Let's look at the market again in two years, I bet it'll look a lot different.

    Not if you take any one model against whatever current iPad model.
    The same goes for the iPhone vs anyone else.

    Aug 11, 02:43 PM
    Hence cdma is and will always be a small local network that can be used in small pockets on this planet.

    I would not consider the entire United States to be just a small pocket on the planet.

    Apr 6, 06:39 PM
    I have something better than a MacBook Air. It's called an iPad 2.

    That with my iMac and I have no need anymore for my 13" aluminum MacBook. While the Air is a nice looking and light machine, I still like having things like Firewire, an optical drive (without having to pay extra for it or plug it in), and above all, screen real estate.

    My 24" iMac gives me that. While my iPad 2 gives my instant on, mobile, and light. When the iMacs get a refresh and ship with Lion, it will be time for a 27".

    So when your away from your iMac, how does one use CS5 on-the-go?

    These "I dont use anything other than facebook and itunes so therefore my iPad wins" idiots need to sit the **** down and realise that people actually buy Mac's based on the OS and apps that they NEED, and dont buy Apple products just to sit there and look shiny like most people do.

    Mar 31, 07:34 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    So stop whoring out your lame beta OS, Google, and finally have some respect for your product.

    Steve Jobs was right all along. All this open baloney falls apart pretty quick when you spread your crap around to anyone and everyone who can slam together a box.

    Next on the list: tighter Android Marketplace controls and a fresh round of app rejections.

    Then we'll here everyone say "of course, it had to happen, no big deal." Yeah, we ****ing told you like two years ago when it was announced Android would be licensed out to everyone. But for some reason the perennially clueless thought that it would work forever.

    In the post-PC era, User Experience reigns supreme. But Apple already taught us that years ago.

    Sep 14, 11:00 PM
    One thing's for sure, Intel appears to have learnt a great deal from the Netburst fiasco -- how not to do things, if nothing else. Unfortunately, they still estimate ~50% of processors shipping in 1Q2007 will be netburst-based (mostly Pentium-D).

    It is a shame, but sadly those are the real cheap chips right now. The good news is that they'll change those over soon enough with more Allendales, then millville and so on and so on taking on more segments of the market.

    I think as they transition to 45nm we'll see more and more Core chips, simply because they'll want as much manufacturing to be on the new process as possible, and they don't need to scale the D's etc. down to it.

    Apr 5, 04:49 PM
    And I was sooooo close to buying AVID MC 5.5... thank goodness for an extended wait for my Tax refund... Now I'll sit tight to see if this RUMOR is actually true..... :apple:

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