Nov 21, 04:25 PM
Wouldn't using the "extra" electricity to power fans to decrease heat lead to less "extra" electricity???? :rolleyes: I hope they really think this through - and I'm sure they will. Of course powering fans isn't the only use for electricity.
Apr 7, 04:35 PM
The Tea Party is the most fascist and dangerous of people on this face of the Earth.. They alone will bring disaster and turmoil to the people of this country. Its bad enough that the conditions of the job market, and economy as a whole are worse off than ever before(Gas rising, food prices going up).. These morons deserve to be put up a wall and shot at.
I thought you felt this way about the Jews... So, who's worse? The tea baggers or the christ killers?
I thought you felt this way about the Jews... So, who's worse? The tea baggers or the christ killers?
Oct 26, 09:16 PM
Awesome, I love it! I want to sign up for .Mac so bad, but I can't justify it being worth $99 per year. I would gladly pay $49 per year, especially since I would use iWeb, Photocasting, and all the other good stuff.
Jan 4, 12:30 PM
Whoever advised them to not put the maps onboard and download as needed, needs to be fired- poor decision.
Went from Cleveland to Flordia with a download based GPS on my iPhone, had no issues.
Went from Cleveland to Flordia with a download based GPS on my iPhone, had no issues.
Apr 14, 07:41 PM
OS X isn't much of a FreeBSD brethren, maybe user land but not much else.
I wish Apple would just build Mac OS X on top of FreeBSD kernel instead of the Mach/XNU frankenstein.
There are some real nice features in FreeBSD that would require a kernel re-write in Darwin. I'd love to have Jails, ZFS, capsicum, pf, and other tech available with aqua.
If thats out of the question at least port their server end software to FreeBSD. Final Cut Server, Xgrid, Xsan, Open Directory etc... wont see much use with out the Xserve.
Seeing as OS X is a FreeBSD brethren it's not hard to realize that while XServe is decommissioned that they are still designing, developing and testing future Server Hardware and the Data Center is a great testing ground amidst a huge swath of 3rd party hardware inside there.
I wish Apple would just build Mac OS X on top of FreeBSD kernel instead of the Mach/XNU frankenstein.
There are some real nice features in FreeBSD that would require a kernel re-write in Darwin. I'd love to have Jails, ZFS, capsicum, pf, and other tech available with aqua.
If thats out of the question at least port their server end software to FreeBSD. Final Cut Server, Xgrid, Xsan, Open Directory etc... wont see much use with out the Xserve.
Seeing as OS X is a FreeBSD brethren it's not hard to realize that while XServe is decommissioned that they are still designing, developing and testing future Server Hardware and the Data Center is a great testing ground amidst a huge swath of 3rd party hardware inside there.
Oct 9, 03:36 PM
Eeeeeeyep, Target is just gonna stop selling DVDs if they don't get their way. Uh huh. Ridiculous.
Sep 29, 02:35 PM
I just tested a PPC version of halo in time demo and i noticed a 8.31fps boost. Not to signifigant but its progress.
EDIT: i just tried the UB version time demo and there was absoultly no improvement. Going to double check it with cinebench.
EDIT: i just tried the UB version time demo and there was absoultly no improvement. Going to double check it with cinebench.
Mar 28, 08:58 AM
how does it confirm that ??? apple has previewed things in April, but showcased the whole thing in June in the past.. and this is an announcement for the Showcase.
I don't know... perhaps the "Join us for a preview of the future of iOS and Mac OSX" Seems like we will be seeing the new iOS features for the first time.
I don't know... perhaps the "Join us for a preview of the future of iOS and Mac OSX" Seems like we will be seeing the new iOS features for the first time.
Apr 14, 06:47 PM
Is this a good thing? He's been corrupted already :)
Dec 28, 12:09 AM
Think about it for a second: if this were really an effort to reduce network traffic, it would be a piss-poor way of going about it. For one thing, denying the iPhone to new customers would be far less dependable than throttling data speed. For another, they're closing down only one of many distribution channels, meaning that people in NYC will still be able to get all the iPhones they want. Finally, this would be a public admission that their network is insufficient...and more fodder for the Verizon commercials. You can't tell me that that's not first in every AT&T Wireless executive's mind right now.
I don't know what's going on -- everything is just speculation based on what some low-level AT&T employees (probably new ones who couldn't get out of the holiday shift) said. And I'm not going to jump to any conclusions. I'm just saying that the Consumerist's interpretation doesn't make much sense.
I don't know what's going on -- everything is just speculation based on what some low-level AT&T employees (probably new ones who couldn't get out of the holiday shift) said. And I'm not going to jump to any conclusions. I'm just saying that the Consumerist's interpretation doesn't make much sense.
Mar 17, 11:32 AM
Master-D said, "Something like this? I would be interested to see your preferred crop.http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5051/5531424429_1eaf976b56_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/damoncrane/5531424429/in/photostream/)
My crop would have been just like this! Very nice!
My crop would have been just like this! Very nice!
Oct 16, 08:48 PM
speculate all you want...wont believe it til i see it,and it better be crammed with features lol like 3m pixel camera and wifi....
Apr 27, 07:10 PM
I thought this was funny.
Imagine President Trump feuding with global enemies. �I�ve met Kim Jong Il. Guy�s a midget. Who cares what a midget thinks! I take dumps bigger than that guy.�
Imagine President Trump feuding with global enemies. �I�ve met Kim Jong Il. Guy�s a midget. Who cares what a midget thinks! I take dumps bigger than that guy.�
Jul 14, 01:40 PM
Sort of.
Lets separate reading and writing exFAT. If I can read it, I can pull stuff off of it. So OS X will require the ability to read exFAT in order to make it compatible with non apple devices that will be using this format. HOWEVER, it is not required that Apple choose to read exFAT. You could format with HFS+. Then any device that can read HFS+ could read and write to it.
If I can write to exFAT, then I can place data (even 4GB+ media files) on the card. Apple may create a driver that allows you to read exFAT but not write to it.
This matters if you are going to use the card to store media files (4 GB+), or are planning on using the card with non Apple devices. I could get a 128 GB SDXC card, format 100 GB in FAT32 for a user directory, and format 3 8GB swap spaces (one for OS X, one for Windows, and one for Unix). Then I'd have my user files and swap space with me wherever I go, and it would be cross platform compatible (everyone reads and writes FAT32). Yes, FAT32 does have a maximum partition size, this is why I used a 128 GB SDXC card as the example. And yes, I wouldn't have my media files (movies) on the card (I'd need one of the 2 TB cards to do this).
Since Pretec is selling an ExpressCard SDXC reader, this is what I plan to do with my triple boot MBP (see sig). I'll point my OS X user directory to the directory that will be on this card, I'll do the same for Win7, and BackTrack. Each OS will also have swap space on the card. This increases security too. If I have my SDXC card with me, someone using the laptop can't see my files at all. It also increases speed (maybe and a little) because I'm using a different storage device and bus to put my user files/swap space on.
Let's take a closer look at what we have here.
For references we have: http://www.sans.org/reading_room/whitepapers/forensics/reverse-engineering-microsoft-exfat-file-system_33274 and the blog rshullic.wordpress.com
First, the SDXC card is set to be exclusively exFAT. You may be able to format the card as FAT32, or HFS or NTFS as FAT32 can be formatted to 2TB although you can't use Microsoft utilities to do so. Microsoft will read a 2TB FAT32 file system and write to it, they just won't let you create anything over 32GB. If you want to use the SDXC card exclusively with the Mac, then you could format the card with almost any file system. I have formated a 256MB (yes MB, it is SD Version 1.00) SD card as exFAT. But put that card with exFAT into a camera, like the Panasonic Lumix which has SDXC support, and it says that the card is not formatted properly and won't let you use the card until you reformat it. A SD card is speced for FAT, a SDHC card is speced for FAT32 and a SDXC card is speced for exFAT, and some camera manufacturers enforce the proper file system. So, if you intend to use the sdxc in a camera or a phone or other consumer device, formatting it as anything other than exFAT may not be an option.
And Apple might need to license exFAT just to read it even if not to write. (might need, I don't really know as there are now forensics tols that read exfat but I don't think those guys are licensing it, maybe read only is ok and doesn't violate licensing agreements?)
The SDXC card actually begins at 48GB, which is the equivalent of a dual layer Blu-Ray disc. I have seen 48GB and 64GB so far, and the 64GB (at a low i/o speed) can be gotten at amazon for about $200. But the card are running in the $350-$600 range with speeds claimed to be 30MBs (that is mega-bytes per second) so it will be a while for the prices to come down and the speeds to increase near the SD 3.0 level of 104 MBs, let alone the SD 4.00 spec of 300 MBs.
Lets separate reading and writing exFAT. If I can read it, I can pull stuff off of it. So OS X will require the ability to read exFAT in order to make it compatible with non apple devices that will be using this format. HOWEVER, it is not required that Apple choose to read exFAT. You could format with HFS+. Then any device that can read HFS+ could read and write to it.
If I can write to exFAT, then I can place data (even 4GB+ media files) on the card. Apple may create a driver that allows you to read exFAT but not write to it.
This matters if you are going to use the card to store media files (4 GB+), or are planning on using the card with non Apple devices. I could get a 128 GB SDXC card, format 100 GB in FAT32 for a user directory, and format 3 8GB swap spaces (one for OS X, one for Windows, and one for Unix). Then I'd have my user files and swap space with me wherever I go, and it would be cross platform compatible (everyone reads and writes FAT32). Yes, FAT32 does have a maximum partition size, this is why I used a 128 GB SDXC card as the example. And yes, I wouldn't have my media files (movies) on the card (I'd need one of the 2 TB cards to do this).
Since Pretec is selling an ExpressCard SDXC reader, this is what I plan to do with my triple boot MBP (see sig). I'll point my OS X user directory to the directory that will be on this card, I'll do the same for Win7, and BackTrack. Each OS will also have swap space on the card. This increases security too. If I have my SDXC card with me, someone using the laptop can't see my files at all. It also increases speed (maybe and a little) because I'm using a different storage device and bus to put my user files/swap space on.
Let's take a closer look at what we have here.
For references we have: http://www.sans.org/reading_room/whitepapers/forensics/reverse-engineering-microsoft-exfat-file-system_33274 and the blog rshullic.wordpress.com
First, the SDXC card is set to be exclusively exFAT. You may be able to format the card as FAT32, or HFS or NTFS as FAT32 can be formatted to 2TB although you can't use Microsoft utilities to do so. Microsoft will read a 2TB FAT32 file system and write to it, they just won't let you create anything over 32GB. If you want to use the SDXC card exclusively with the Mac, then you could format the card with almost any file system. I have formated a 256MB (yes MB, it is SD Version 1.00) SD card as exFAT. But put that card with exFAT into a camera, like the Panasonic Lumix which has SDXC support, and it says that the card is not formatted properly and won't let you use the card until you reformat it. A SD card is speced for FAT, a SDHC card is speced for FAT32 and a SDXC card is speced for exFAT, and some camera manufacturers enforce the proper file system. So, if you intend to use the sdxc in a camera or a phone or other consumer device, formatting it as anything other than exFAT may not be an option.
And Apple might need to license exFAT just to read it even if not to write. (might need, I don't really know as there are now forensics tols that read exfat but I don't think those guys are licensing it, maybe read only is ok and doesn't violate licensing agreements?)
The SDXC card actually begins at 48GB, which is the equivalent of a dual layer Blu-Ray disc. I have seen 48GB and 64GB so far, and the 64GB (at a low i/o speed) can be gotten at amazon for about $200. But the card are running in the $350-$600 range with speeds claimed to be 30MBs (that is mega-bytes per second) so it will be a while for the prices to come down and the speeds to increase near the SD 3.0 level of 104 MBs, let alone the SD 4.00 spec of 300 MBs.
Apr 24, 04:08 PM
The only way to do it, as far as I know, is to actually go and edit the "Adobe Illustrator Prefs" file (in Library/Preferences/Adobe Illustrator CS5 Settings/en_US) with TextEdit.
Use search to find this line: "/maxRecentFiles 10". Below it you will see a list of the recent file represented in a bunch of characters.
What a mess, eh? So much for including a simple "Clear Menu" command in the application, as every true Mac app does. Windows users seem to have it worse, as they have to modify the registry for this (see (http://forums.adobe.com/thread/458899)).
The funny thing is that Photoshop actually has the "Clear recent" option, but neither Illustrator, InDesign nor Fireworks do.
Use search to find this line: "/maxRecentFiles 10". Below it you will see a list of the recent file represented in a bunch of characters.
What a mess, eh? So much for including a simple "Clear Menu" command in the application, as every true Mac app does. Windows users seem to have it worse, as they have to modify the registry for this (see (http://forums.adobe.com/thread/458899)).
The funny thing is that Photoshop actually has the "Clear recent" option, but neither Illustrator, InDesign nor Fireworks do.
Oct 26, 05:14 PM
This demonstrates that Adobe is a bunch of morons. If they listened to Apple and used xCode they could click one button and produce a universal binary.
Perhaps Adobe writes ****** software that isn't engineered to be platform independant.
Perhaps Adobe writes ****** software that isn't engineered to be platform independant.
Oct 9, 08:54 PM
I'm ashamed I work for them. I've always considered Target the "good guys" Wal-mart but the more I get a taste for their corporate side (retail as well as pharmacy) I'm less impressed day by day.
I'm sorry.
I worked at that hellhole for 3 and a half years and it went towards the crapper with each passing day. I went on leave of absence for school, but didn't come back over the summer due to me having an internship elsewhere, and they sent me a letter telling me to either quit or come back, so I said goodbye.
Their business practices, while better than Wal-Mart, are nothing to be proud about either. Maybe if they spent more time improving the shopping experience and less time high pressuring customers, err, guests, for those god damn target visa cards, loss of DVD sales wouldn't be a problem
I'm sorry.
I worked at that hellhole for 3 and a half years and it went towards the crapper with each passing day. I went on leave of absence for school, but didn't come back over the summer due to me having an internship elsewhere, and they sent me a letter telling me to either quit or come back, so I said goodbye.
Their business practices, while better than Wal-Mart, are nothing to be proud about either. Maybe if they spent more time improving the shopping experience and less time high pressuring customers, err, guests, for those god damn target visa cards, loss of DVD sales wouldn't be a problem
Mar 26, 06:25 PM
Who honestly cares? Lame. I saw a black guy and a mexican guy chatting outside a bookstore yesterday. Let's focus on that.
Jun 17, 06:34 PM
Other than portables, i've never really seen the point in slim consoles. All my consoles are fatties and i've never thought of selling them to buy a slim.
The 360 slim looks like a little kids toy next to the fat 360. Its just soooo cheesy and tacky. The original 360 case was much better, imo.
The 360 slim looks like a little kids toy next to the fat 360. Its just soooo cheesy and tacky. The original 360 case was much better, imo.
Apr 12, 08:12 PM
If people are less likely to use a cashier who is an ethnic minority (which I dispute, but anyway), would that make them less productive and less valuable for their employer?
So, if it is thought that an ethnic minority would actually do a job worse, because of other people's discrimination, then ethnicity technically would make a difference to their ability to do a job.
Would this be grounds for not employing them?
no, that would be discrimination against them because of their race/ethnicity.....the fact that other people also might contribute additional discrimination doesn't negate or justify the employer's racial discrimination
So, if it is thought that an ethnic minority would actually do a job worse, because of other people's discrimination, then ethnicity technically would make a difference to their ability to do a job.
Would this be grounds for not employing them?
no, that would be discrimination against them because of their race/ethnicity.....the fact that other people also might contribute additional discrimination doesn't negate or justify the employer's racial discrimination
Nov 11, 08:55 AM
Kawakatta desu yo!!!!! :)
kawakatta tte nani? kawaikatta deshou ka? ;):D
kawakatta tte nani? kawaikatta deshou ka? ;):D
Mar 11, 03:48 PM
Wirelessly posted (iPhone: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)
20 In line at the Best Buy in Flower Mound. I wonder what the other Best Buys look like now that people are getting off work.
Right now about 40 in line at Grapevine Best Buy. Might head to FloMo as that's close to home.
20 In line at the Best Buy in Flower Mound. I wonder what the other Best Buys look like now that people are getting off work.
Right now about 40 in line at Grapevine Best Buy. Might head to FloMo as that's close to home.
Jan 7, 12:18 PM
still waiting for facebook to sync actual information like phone numbers and email addresses... now that would be handy!
Palm pre does this right outa the box
Palm pre does this right outa the box
May 5, 05:41 PM
I think what we are all seeing is that the differentiating factor between Apple and "the others" is no longer software. Windows 7 is now good enough that it can easily compete with (and in many areas, exceed) the software offering on any Mac.
It's now down to hardware manufacturers to do the work to bring their machines up to a standard to match the OS. From what I've seen Dell have been making significant improvements in recent months and years and Lenovo still exudes quality.
Three or four years ago I wouldn't have considered anything that wasn't made by Apple. But now I'd definitely look at a Windows machine first when replacing my desktop and I'd give some Windows laptops a lot of consideration as well.
Unless I went iMac I would never go Apple for a desktop. I think Windows is better than OS X unless taking into account the benefits of a MBP+OS X in terms of power management/trackpad. Add the cost of a MP and forget it. Laptops they still have the best balance between design, specs, and quality as well as nice battery life in OS X.
Their MBP prices still need to come down a lot before I could ever bring myself to pay the premium though.
It's now down to hardware manufacturers to do the work to bring their machines up to a standard to match the OS. From what I've seen Dell have been making significant improvements in recent months and years and Lenovo still exudes quality.
Three or four years ago I wouldn't have considered anything that wasn't made by Apple. But now I'd definitely look at a Windows machine first when replacing my desktop and I'd give some Windows laptops a lot of consideration as well.
Unless I went iMac I would never go Apple for a desktop. I think Windows is better than OS X unless taking into account the benefits of a MBP+OS X in terms of power management/trackpad. Add the cost of a MP and forget it. Laptops they still have the best balance between design, specs, and quality as well as nice battery life in OS X.
Their MBP prices still need to come down a lot before I could ever bring myself to pay the premium though.
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